Kairo Pinguni

Ametiwa pingu tena. In common mythology, once you touch those objects carried by police (pingu, rungu, gari zao, their cells) you become unclean and prone to misfortune.

It is advisable to take a bath in hot water full of salt and burn any clothes and shoes that you had on when you touchhed their cursed objects.
Otherwise, misfortune will follow you. Zako zitakuwa makesi baada ya makesi



Malaysiamoji Yes GIF by Maxis

Enyewe hii kehee iko na kiburi

Kwani anashikwa mara ngapi?

He has a bad spirit following him juu ya kuguza pingu. Hizo vitu zimebeba ma spirit ya wauaji, kidnappers, thieves, mad poeple etc. Alway do a cleansing ukiguza mapingu au vifaa za polisi


Huyu na armed robber hakuna difference