Kabogo asks govt for total lock down as situation deteriorates


:D:D:D:Ddo you want full-blown anarchy?? that’s how you get it…kibera alone housed 170,070 in 2009. imagine the figures after tano tena

lockdown is understandable…it’s actually very necessary but I wish the bearers of this message were not some first class and middle class public looters…they are the very reason we don’t have funds and facilities for such an exercise.

It is the only solution. Kenya , especially Nairobi , is cramped. Just like the hard hit NEw York City. I saw the inconspicuously quiet cdc head comment today that this disease needs close distance to transmit. Anything less than 3m is disaster. By now the President needs to ensure 100% compliance with a total lockdown. It’s better to suffer economically than suffer in health because you can reverse the former.

Uhuru analilia choo hana pesa ya kulipa loan na wewe unasema apeane pesa kwa maskini. He was caught unware, he really needed money no wonder he was reluctant to stop flights. Kabogo is a wealthy man, how is he supporting the fight to stop the spread. Time we think beyond serikali saidia, konyagi amechanganyikiwa hawezi saidia

But the virus is, in all probability, alraedy freely circulating in the population. What would a lockdown achieve? Do you imagine that a virus that was ‘discovered’ in late 2019 [having been in existence for goodness knows how long] wouldn’t alraedy have made its way into Kenya? If you were to do truly random tests, you would discover that probably 2 to 3 million kenyans already have it, only that thankfully, it doesn’t seem to create havoc in people who had received BCG as kids.
You have to understand that there are individuals who want a ‘lockdown’ for its own sake.
There are folks with good savings, who want to see others decimated financially, so that they can then buy their properties at throwaway prices…

I don’t think that many are infected. You would have seen deaths in the thousands by now. Deaths are in the teens right now. So we are still ok. The countries that contained it took precautions at this stage. Germany, Australia … The ones that didn’t are crying now. The only fix for this disease is containment.

That is the ideal method but remember you are dealing with humans. There problems are diverse, to some corona is not in their top list. Some lack food, others are addicts, others individualistic they only care about themselves. We may end up creating anarchy and lose everything. We should not aim at eradicating corona (after all we failed to prevent its entry) but slow its spread such that medics are not overwhelmed

Very true…in South Africa 3 billionaires have already donated close to ksh 30 billion to help the government fight corona…imagine if Uhuru, Raila, Giddy, kirubi and Ruto alone donated back 40billion of our looted cash! That would be enough to afford a lockdown…it would be enough to provide for a number of families for 21 days!

The other day I commented that we don’t have a culture of charity and someone responded that we do harambees.

How would you know how many are infected without testing? For all we know, coronavirus could have landed in Kenya long before it found its way to Italy. There are people out there still waiting for an explosion of deaths, which thankfully won’t happen.
You have to understand that what happened in late 2019 was the discovery of covid-19. We don’t know how long the virus had been with us before doctors started noticing a pattern of symptoms and then going into the lab, and the figuring out that it is a new pathogen, and then zeroing down on covid-19. all the while, people were traveling into and out of wuhan…

A peculiar symptom of the disease is a quick onset of pneumonia. I don’t think we have seen that. Health professionals would have caught it especially since its 1% mortality. 20, 000 deaths would have lead to an outcry.

Not everyone who gets coronavirus dies. In fact, not everyone who gets coronavirus even realizes that he has it. So your idea that we would be having ‘deaths in the thousands’ doesn’t hold water. Let’s take sensible precautions, without ruining people’s livelihoods. Goodness knows how many people so far have died, directly or indirectly, as a result of the curfew that is in place. I for one, saw with my own eyes, a boda boda that was probably rushing to beat the curfew hitting a woman very badly at changamwe.

Can we then agree that this crisis, though big, doesn’t warrant a total lockdown, because a lockdown – especially its enforcement – will end up killing more people than could possibly have died from coronavirus?

No effort whatsoever is being made to understand why coronavirus isn’t spreading and killing people in certain places. This is what makes people suscpicious: because there is a risk that if the expected patterns don’t happen, some people in the scientific community would start forcing them (as we saw with AZT deaths in the late 80s and early 90s).

You are looking at it from the economic angle. I think a lockdown is the only solution. We stand to loose too many if the warm weather does not kill it.

No, I am looking at it from a humanitarian point of view. Remember, the ultimate goal is to save lives. Now, how many lives will we save with a lockdown? And how many people will die from a lockdown? Remember, death is death: whether it is caused by coronavirus or lockdown. A lockdown is a war-like situation…

If the disease takes its natural course, it gets transmitted very quickly and easily from person to person. You overwhelm healthcare facilities. Literally you get to hospital and the doctors have to choose who they will treat. And who they will let die. Quarantine reduces transmission rate. Health facilities can then give treatment to everyone.

Do we usually do that for other equally devastating diseases? Or have we come to believe that this is the most devastating disease. The most important thing is for us to be rational when dealing with people’s lives and people’s livelihoods.

Which disease in your memory have you seen overwhelming healthcare resources? This disease has a high capability and likelihood of stalling the economy you so defend.