This is a long read, those without balls (read married men:D) can just skip to the next thread.
In the last 2-3 weeks I have witnessed posts attacking MGTOW philosophies. Below are some of the lines used to diminish the spirit of men going their own way:
- These MGTOWs are closet gays.
- MGTOWs are guys who cannot get laid and find an excuse to demonise women for rejecting them.
- MGTOW are fellows who are heart-broken and have never healed.
- MGTOW is a western phenomenon that local guys are getting lost to, these guys believe whatever they read online.
- MGTOW are just small kids who don not know anything about the world they talk about.
- MGTOWs are betas who could NOT keep hold of a woman.
…and more.
I think the reason for these increasing attacks is, when MGTOW proponents choose to reply (and they don’t have to), they don’t attack back as it should because those posts are in themselves attacks. Instead they try to justify and vilify marriage itself and forget to really point out the truth we carelessly choose to ignore in contemporary women and society.
Let me start with the foremost reason among the many for MY choosing to go my OWN way - Celibacy/Purity/Prize.
Wewe kama mwanaume umeoa, unajiskia aje kujua umeoa mtu alikuwa anadinywa na kumwagiwa ndani na jamaa zingine kabla yako? Most bluepilled cheiths think that the term malaya refers to a woman who trades pussy at k-street. They seem to forget that the terms whore, malaya, poko, puta, etc. came into existence before men invented writing. Our forefathers would today look at a man who is standing at an alter saying “I do” to what in their times would be regarded as a serial whore and they would cry. I tell men that if I was to marry I would settle for nothing less than a virgin. Who gives a fuck whether I am not a virgin myself, let the virgin bride-to-be decide on that. A whore is a woman who has been fucked and whoever fucked her did not marry her and now she is fucking someone else. People have roles to play in their lives and if a woman chooses to be the one to give men sexual experience and afterwards leave her, then she should be ready to handle me saying that a non-virgin bride is a whore - I don’t give a fuck whether it is 100BC or the year 5000AD, I will and shall never say ‘I do’ and worse of all proceed to pay bride price and respects to men who watched their daughters get creamed, to me they are cucks too. Why do you think women lie about their n-count if it really means nothing? - because they themselves know that they are dirt and do not deserve the long-term commitment of any man with self-respect. Hapa sibakishi mtu, kasirika and afterwards usonge na maisha, your choice, my fucking choice, MGTOW is me and I am MGTOW. Everytime I see a man post a picture of him & his wife, I just know that he’s a cuck that settled for a non-virgin, that man could out-earn me, he could outbox me in a ring, he could have an higher IQ than me but I do not give a shit, he is a cuck. You will see men trying to give affection to their wives so that they don’t get “eaten outside” but they forget that the same wives were cheating on them way before they met by giving advance rights to other men before them. If you are special to her then why the fuck did she get fucked and bring you washed up goods? As long as men before me fucked her and left, I will fuck her and leave too, I am liable to no one.
After that rant it is only right that I go about and respond to those previous six points aiming to make MGTOW seem pointless:
1. These MGTOWs are closet gays - if you aren’t gay then why does gay-business bother you?
2. MGTOWs are guys who cannot get laid and find an excuse to demonize women for rejecting them - I cannot speak on behalf of all MGTOWs but I can say that I fuck women waaay hotter than your wives - and yes I am Cute Boys Association.
3. MGTOW are fellows who are heart-broken and have never healed - I have been heartbroken and I took it as a lesson and in my learning I came across the Redpill. Anytime someones ask you to heal, ask yourself to whose benefit (more so if it’s a woman).
4. MGTOW is a western phenomenon that local guys are getting lost to, these guys believe whatever they read online - the English we type here, the English we are taught with at school, the English we speak at meeting and the lifestyles we live today are all circa 1885 and pretty much western.
5. MGTOW are just small kids who don not know anything about the world they talk about - if you knew any better you’d be team MGTOW, but hey you do know better, it’s just you deeply fucked and invested in marriage that the cost of divorce and it’s consequences scare you very much and sad part is, your wives know these. One of MGTOWs philosophies is that women are way smarter than men when it comes to matters relationships and exploitation.
6. MGTOWs are betas who couldn’t keep hold of a woman - If you really are good at women, let go of yours and go for another ndio tujue wewe ni nani banaaa! Married men talk of their game with much zeal you’d think they can get into a random club in town and fuck every woman in sight. Infact most married men who are ‘players’ play their wives with below par stuff. Some married men infact have a friend who is a player and just retell his stories in the first person, all fakes.
MGTOW also sees the truth of women nature and the most Redpill of them all is, once a woman has locked you in, she no longer is attracted to you and she will reveal her true-self to you little by little with constant shit tests to the point you just kowtow to her. You will hear married men talk of means and tricks to keeps their wives interested and you just read through how miserable it is for a human being to resort to tricks in order to keep another human being loyal to him - this is akin to how the slave ends up owning his master :D.
Advice to MGTOWs: I have noticed that once your married friends realize how happy you are as a single man they will try to sell marriage to you and if that fails they will resort to being passive-aggressive with you. The trick is to never let them know about your life, for example, if you work at an office, Monday morning when they ask you how your weekend was just give a vague answer like, “Niliwatch tu ball na kutulia kwa nyumba tu.” That way they will be happy to hear how you are wasting your life ways just like they are, but tell themselves “atleast we are not lonely and have kids and a wife to talk to.” They can then go to talk about politics and the English premier league and how their team has a great talented player. I have no problem with the EPL, but talking about politics? Men how do you go about mouthing about guys who are waaay smarter than you and ears more than you doing nothing and pays lesser taxes than you with first class access to every neat facility in the country than you?