As I said man of steel was the best action super hero movie just hope this brings the same level of warfare…DC show marvel how its done when its story ya war si vitu ya kwa room na mse anaweza shoot missile literally from his hands…CIVIL WAR had a shit 3 act.
I just hate it when Zack Snyder directs DC movies. Batman v Superman was meant to be the best movie ever but it just didn’t live up to the hype and I can guarantee you that Justice League will be no different.
Hii Trailer ya JL ni bure sana, lot’s of explosions, nothing interesting to look forward to, worse it’s 4 minutes long. Anyway, lemme wait for November then watch
What!!! ati Zack Snyder is what again!!! Did you watch the directors cut of BvS and see that he had put some much thought in this movie.Zack Snyder is no script genius but kwa lens this guys is iconic…injustice 2 took the punch ya man of steel kuwa supermove ya superman Injustice 2…while MARVEL has
1.Copied inception and then made it as a plot device in dr.strange- in a movie about magic we ended up watching a rip off for a Nolan movie with a a cloud based bad guy kama kawa
2.Turned every comic character to a special ops nigga,might as well put jason statham masks on every one at this point and call it MARVEL EXPANDED and will still sale.
Was almost not gonna finish the trailer when I saw rufallos face[ATTACH=full]114359[/ATTACH]
But soldiered on …thank God they have finally allowed the talking hulk some shine been tired of the mistreatment of this character to carter to the slow audience.There is bruce,hulk, bruce and hulk.
Bruh i also digged the movie when it came out but rewathed it juzi and boss…same script ma guy they were literrally running through levels then the big bad is just a big omnimous thing with his face lol! I was shocked when i realised its the same movie…no magical powers apart from weapons wonder why! LIKE SERIOUSLY this is ultimate ninja storm 4 i finished jana night…and this is some ninja kids with ninja tricks and shit goes like this
and you gone tell a dimension god is gone have his niggas fighting like they did in Dr.strange for an invasion …fuck this bs the industry is “shilling” so bad kwanza marvel its apparent if you break it down
Villains have done nothing devastating …ultron wants mans destruction lifts a giant rock yet he can access nukes and shit…only character whose villains have been good is the worst of the lot THOR…his bad guys do their shit to some degree at least.
and your update reset the cap on gif nigga why