Just like The DCI, Chebukati....

Should the IEBC Chairman sent to prison for failing to open the server as ordered by the Supreme Court ?

Can you clarify ,his server is private

Kenyans hubebwa kama mafala. Sheria husema kura ya mtu ni siri yake, lakini transmission ya kura hadi nairobi hifai kuwa siri. After kura kuhesabiwa mambo zengine zote zafaa kufanywa transparently na watu wote pamoja na media, results zikuwe announced na media, bora tu kazi ya kudeclare winner ischiwe iebc.

It’s not his fault, the fellows at OT Morpho were asleep

Iebc should invest in Blockchain voting system. Each block is generated when new voters are listed. Hapa wizi ina isha.

That was a cheap line from Muite and the court swallowed. When Muite was making the claim, western Europe was awake

How about preferential distribution of votes

The process was theatrical

I wonder what the common mwananchi envisages a server to be. Maybe anafikiria ni kabati kubwa stashed full of ballot papers. Ati kufungua server! Halafu wakaanika “evidence” - MS SQL Server logs, yet IEBC wanatumia Oracle DB… That ish was hilarious as fak!

Question I have is, why can’t the Raia use the number at the county. They were present when the vote was counted. And we’re given a number there. Why care about the server?