Just hire a chopper!


Huyu mzungu nini mbaya na yeye? Si ati hana pesa. He should have just landed with one of those choppers we see our big men in… to go to Makueni.

Hii mambo ha kutumia ox drawn cart ni PR tupu.

@uwesmake akiwa juu ya V8 ()

Huku ni Kimilili ??

How else is he supposed to get the ‘authentic’ African experience?

We miss some points by miles, like an Italian tourist landing in .ke, na wewe bado unataka akule pizza na pasta.
He/she is here for the local experience, don’t try to serve him what he left home , give him local delicacies.

amebambika yake yote…

kama mutura hivi hivi

He doesn’t want to act like the typical Kenyan politician.
Am sure his embassy was more than capable of dropping him back into the school compound.
These kind of photos earn him mad respect back home.

Backward kind of thinking us Africans have that anybody who has a white skin is loaded and stinking rich

Whist you may have a point as most of them avoid the main towns and head off to Gavana Nanok’s hood, I would not trust them at all. He could be using this info to get cash from wealthy animal rights campaigners for his one man NGO. Am wondering who took the mbisha and posted it on shosho media. Mmmmmh.

tourists come here to experience the difference. how would you feel about going to Switzerland and being carried by a 100cc nduthi ati to ‘accomodate you’ instead of a cable car which we don’t have here?

If you didn’t notice sarcasm from OP your IQ is as low as of the oxen

He already looks uncomfortable, look at his hand

I must admit I did not notice the sarcasm…I was almost rebuking u…

Na aongezewe momo!

Sorry I forgot to add context I thought we were all up speed with the pic. This is an ambassador going to Makueni to open a school his country has funded. Hes on official duty.

mzungu wa suti hana pesa

he could not pass up the photo opp, with a teary speech on how the donation impacted the locals especially the young gilrs who would have been sold off to old men for marriage…as he receives a humanitarian award.

Kenyans would go to bush camping with metallic containers for shelter

I smelt a bad fish which is why I said i don’t trust the motives. Anyway that is how he makes his keep.