Cats make noises, sometimes you may think kids are crying.
If you see cats ferking, you are doomed to poverty.
True story.
Hizi tunyama huferk missionary way but usiwakaribie on the act juu utakua bruised kutosha
I would love to ferk a pussy.
My scientific understanding is that the Tom cat’s penis has rear facing barbs, more or less like those on an arrow. Its meant to keep the penis locked inside the female’s pussy until after ejaculation. Any motion to try and expel the dick is a painful experience thus the weird screams!
I hate cats.
have never believed in witchcraft
No wonder…kept wondering how “in a funny way” those kids kept crying.
That just killed my love for cats:(
was being sarcastically rude in a kind way
Thank God I have never seen cats mating! but that is definitely crazy!
HAHA …i have learnt smthing new today
Haha …
Right, you are.
@Unicorn = @Supu don
say u wet already, I sense someone is under a very serious dry spell…
might be
Kazi kwako @Mwenyewe
ita mtu lunch date ama dinner @Mwenyewe