Jumia online

This online marketer, how does it manage to infuriate in almost all websites that am perusing this days. [ATTACH=full]21425[/ATTACH]

Google tailored ads

Google uses your search history to match you to advertisers.Kama unashinda uki google infinix, obviously you will be shown ads from the distributor

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Google knows where you live

Big brother Gugu has been tracking your online activities. Gugu has noted that you love shopping or searching for items.
Jumia has paid a lot of money to Gugu for their advertisements. Gugu uses targeted advertising by tracking users.

Examples/picha of infuriated websites, would really like to see how an infuriated one looks like

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Infuriate or infiltrate?

Infuriated juu unashinda huko…

Pls help me.

Paste links to the best local supplier of sports/running shoes. I need a new pair soonest. Online is obvs the best option 'cause I can get them delivered and start using them right away!

Sketchers. Go to the shop. Fitting is a must. Nike, Adidas and Puma are knock-offs even in ‘legit’ stores.

Jumia still is the best option


Hehee infiltrate" that’s what i meant thanks buddy :wink:

But seriously the assholes hijack my clicks. Case in point is whenever I click on anything in the ‘Extra Torrent’ page. Another browser window opens with jumia’s baloney.

Weka Adblock Plus for Firefox and Chrome brathe.

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