I have been seeing this Jumia advert on K-talk for a while about a t.v selling at 51k. At first, the price was 51k, then 1 week later the price went up to 56k. A few days later, it went down to 54k. Then it jumps again to 59k.
I then used my laptop browser and checked out Jumia using incognito mode and the same t.v was was 51k. But when I use my phone to check on their website, the t.v is either 56k or 59k.
Before you ask, it’s from the same authorized dealer.
what is a cookie
An HTTP cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing.
They play games alot. Nakumbuka niliorder something at 28k. After a day ilishoot to 34k. Nikadhani nilihit jackpot but after a week of waiting my order was not fulfilled. Nikacancel request nikaendea tu Luthuli.
The point is some of these prices are not real. And if they realise a product is far cheap than normal wanakataa kufulfil request yako
Never buy from Jumia during so called ‘promotions’. The product will either be out of stock (where price is genuinely discounted), overpriced or end up as unfulfilled order.
Shipping fees varies from free to any other amount based on the shipping agent you choose. Time on average 20 days but some items may arrive after even 1 week while others may arrive after a month.