Julius Malema is Woke Wants a United Africa at Pan-African Parliament


[SIZE=7]Julius Malema is Woke Wants a United Africa at Pan-African Parliament[/SIZE]

Julius Malema has a big problem. Many Africans (especially Kenyans whom he singled out as being still colonised) don’t believe Africans can solve their own problems. They falsely believe we need to be babysat.
Personally I fully support Malema but I don’t know if he can make the mountains come to him like he’s trying to do. We shall see

Home guards watakuambia Mwafrika hawezi.

I do not support the unifying of Africa as one country because we are people of diverse cultures and religion. I can only support free market;free movement of goods and services. But for having a United country I can only support unity of countries with the similar religion and cultural beliefs such as East Africa but not the unifying of us as a country with people such as those from somalia and Arabs from the north not forgetting the notorious Nigerians

I really don’t want to be unified with Southern Sudan or Malawi

One country- Abslolute Bullshit. Even his SA is divided forever.
Free Trade-Commended.

I like this guy.
I hope security yake is on point.
He may be Gadaffied.
Ferk all whiteys. Waende, warudi kwao!!
Wakanda forever

Unification of Africa is so stupid. People tend to forget that we are not a homogeneous continent, ethnically or culturally. Let us also not forget that South African Bantus are some of the most xenophobic and violent towards fellow Africans. Julius Malema is just another delusional Marxist.

I’ve had to deal with the Somali cartel kwa biz very lately. Hii shit ni real tuu sana. Unaenda kwa supplier anakuuliza.((this was whilst buying Timber from Tz millers destined for MSA)) Unajua a Somali who can vouch for you??
We are like WTF, sii ndio hii pesa. Shika uende zako utuwache tujisort.
Guy is like ‘muh’, we only sell primarily to Somalis nowadays. This guys can run their businesses at a loss just to kick you out.

Sahii kuna deal flani ya supply in Lodwar. Hii shiet inanipatia maulcers nikifikiria how many people I’ll have to bribe just kufikisha product(s).

Challenge accepted…

If it is possible to get them out of Kenya and have them united with other somalis, so that they form their own country, i will support that proposal 100%

I wish we have more people like Julius Malema, who will see “Africa first” before tribe and religious affliction

And what is this Africa, you are talking about.There was and has never been people called Africa. It is only colonialists who gave us that name because of where we come from and our skin colour but in reality Africa is not homogenous like china, japan or korea and others for that matter. We are nations with complete different religious beleifs and cultural practices. You cannot mix us and arabs and expect us to work harmoniously…integration will be a problem just the way somalis and indians have failed to integrate with fellow kenyans to date

Why Malawi?.Any prolem’ with em’

Malema’s vision would be a non-starter from day one. Imagine how Tanzanians act and then extrapolate that small mindedness over most of Southern Africa. Kila mtu apambane na hali yake for now. Let’s first get the basics right—agriculture, education,health.

Jina Africa ((na pia Kenya)) tulidungwa label na mzungu kama Nike, Addidas or Puma.

Back then ilikuwa inaitwa KHEMET (where the word ‘chemistry’ is derived from) and also ALKEBULAN

Would you accept the NFD being incorporated into Greater Somalia?

Maybe it is in this disbelief that the challenge towers over the fruit.

Bin long since I’ve seen that much three syllable words…

Africans will never get along.AAs are in a dilemma of sorts


He is a controlled agent like mandela and Martin luther king… You dumb negros are like sheep i cannot believe a part of a race this stupid