Once she left she fizzled out. No one followed up with her. She was nuts. Very temperamental. She was really a face. Substance and knowledge were sub par.
Edit: oh and she was fired while on air :D:D
Once she left she fizzled out. No one followed up with her. She was nuts. Very temperamental. She was really a face. Substance and knowledge were sub par.
Edit: oh and she was fired while on air :D:D
you have been in this village too long to know such info.hapana kujikaanga aisee:D:D
by the time the boy was done reading his penis and gonads had vanished to the interior of his body
No, dimwit. I was referring to stuff like watsapp generator. Something akin to what @TakeOff did here:-
I read somewhere she was too high she tried a strip tease in studio. Her immediate supervisor couldn’t tolerate it anymore.
Shiet that was a lethal combination… somebarry check on the boy shaod’s vitals.
Yeah that happened. Unfortunately I wasn’t there to witness it as I had left for the day. But the potential stripping wasn’t the issue.
Unpredictable mood swings. One day she’s reading well another day she’s sweating another day she’s angry…
Farida napiga simu. Toa hiyo mama kwa TV. Sometimes such calls come from the Mrs.
Upussy, she should be commenting on matters of national importance.
Its an open secret that these milfs keep youngins to satiate their increased libidos as the performances of their ‘Simbas’ takes a nose dive as they age, we know how discrete ladies can get. I wont be surprised if someone takes this opportunity to safisha our mecho just like what we witnessed the other day with that lady politician from Kericho.
Not all of them. That’s generalisation. Not everyone has the same tabia.
ION how prevalent is the use of xanax by TV presenters?
Hiyo if there is then I haven’t heard. But I doubt it because nowadays the criteria is strict.
Ohh okay. Two years ago I was meant to believe most TV presenters took xanax before their shows. They could also easily connect you to guys who peddle MDMA.
Cannot read siwesi
She did that coz she is a public figure, not that she can’t entertain Ben 10s. That is sooo much expected of her. It’s kinda her job to do that.:D:D