Judge throws out man’s guilty plea after bodycam footage reveals NYPD drug planting

Alafu utaona Ngombe ikukuja hapa kusema eti Hakuna Racism United Sodom. USA ni meffi for black people.

USA was founded on GENOCIDE and SLAVERY and those two aspects go on to this day.


The bodycam footage shows an officer planting drugs in the cupholder of a car
A Staten Island man is getting a much-deserved second chance after a judge vacated his 2018 conviction.
Body camera footage shows an NYPD officer in the arrest of Jason Serrano seemingly planting marijuana in the car he was riding in March 2018, Gothamist/WNYC reported. At the time, Serrano was arrested and charged with drug possession, resisting arrest, and obstructing governmental administration.
Serrano eventually plead guilty to the resisting charge three months later. He did so as a way to avoid being sent to the notorious Rikers Island. He was unaware of the body camera footage. Prosecutors shared the footage with Serrano’s attorneys months after his guilty plea.

Racism is virtually non existent in the US. Small African Americans criminals wasikufanye uanze stupid conclusions yet you have never stepped here. I am a Black Kenyan and I would choose US over Kenya any day any time. Plus that’s a Democratic agenda to paint Black people as victims 24/7 so that they can continue winning votes @patco @T.Vercetti

Kujeni muone ng’ombe hapa iki Asslick crackers.

USA is a failed experiment that has good propaganda from Hollywood. It is a sh!thole with nukes

During George Floyd debacle which was probably a false flag operation, MAGA posted numerous videos of black cops harassing people.

Of course zilikuwa zinawekwa halafu twitter police na youtube overlords wanatoa zote.

Today if you google black cop or black police officer you will be bombarded with videos of white cops…

Basically ni ukora tupu. There was a case I was following in minneapolis involving Somali cops, that story was killed by fake news media never to be heard of again.

It’s as if in the U.S today hakuna black, Latino, African or native American police officers. Mind you I used to watch COPS and 90% of the time a white cop could not catch a black kid who was running away. That job was left to black police officers.

Hadi kwa movies. Films like Training day, Swat are being killed chini ya maji because they portray black police officers.

alipwe banae

A horse is more valuable than a US negro, that is how deep this sh!t goes.

He is lucky he wasn’t sent to prison like a million other negroes doing life sentence on fabricated charges.

Yer there is NO racism in The United Sodom Of Sh!t



You are not young. I am sure in the 90s you used to see in the videos that black neighborhoods were patrolled by black police officers.

Jiulize kwani what changed. Unakumbuka ile sitcom Family Matters? The dad was a cop and he also played a cop in Die hard 1 and 2, because many times a lot of cops in big cities are black. Angalia Bad Boys, Beverly Hills Cop, Rush Hour, Lethal weapon … vile Obama aliingia in 2008, the narrative changed.

It was under Obama that numerous black men were killed by white cops… were these genuine shootings ama zilikuwa false flag operations to start race wars and BLM movement?

more of a racoon

Buda of late tumeona FBI and CIA pretending to be White Supremacists to push Obama propaganda.

Obama ni jambazi. Anatumia actors.

Hata ile kesi ya Floyd bado…

Mwanasiasa ni mkora. Look at this video below. Hii ni acting. Which police officer is so stupid to mace a fellow guy in uniform, kwanza in military uniform???

This is acting. And he knows the camera is rolling. He even threatens the victim not to report. These are movie actors. Do you see the way he stands infront of the camera:

What a coincidence that the traffic stop was made in very well lit petrol station.

USA is only good at Propganda. They demonize North Korea, China, Russia and the rest and when someone comes out to speak the Truth such as Edward Snowden they want to murder him.

Global Terrorist USA spies on it own Citizen on a mass scale and they lie to their ant brained civilians that there is freedom in Sodom.

USA is not any different from China or Yemen, ni Nukes tu wako na mingi but it is cesspit



hii story banae ilinikalia strange
hata sikuwa nimejua amevaa uniform :D:D:D:D:D:DD

nilidhanianga alikuwa na jeanisi na tshirt

Obama anacheza hii game kama pro.

This is a Virginia a blue state just like Minneapolis Minnesota where Floyd was killed.

The date is December 5, 2020, na Trump amekataa matokeo ya uchaguzi.

Look at these camera angles. Look at the lighting in this video very professional. No shaking camera. The footage is in 4K, ultra high definition. :D:D cc @Kahuni Maisha and @kipuke

I think kuna film director hapo kando.

The car is new and the victim is in uniform , the right race, the right career.

Hii inaitwa false flag operation. Obama amezoea kuchezea watu akili. We know that he is thinking of doing another George Floyd before the primaries :

Probably nothing will be done to the cop who planted the drugs. He will continue planting drugs to imprison other innocent negroes. So sad.

Yaani mtu anaamka asubuhi kuenda kuekelea mwingine madawa afungwe bure alafu arudi nyumbani aanze kuambia watoto wake vile crime ni mbaya. How do these people live knowing they took an innocent black man to jail?

Kwanza ni Lieutenant. :D:D:D

Vile niliskia akisema, “I can’t breathe!” Nilijua Trump kwisha.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Tunachezewa hadi na jeshi ya Mark Milley.


bora apate perdiem, raise na promotion hio haimuhusu

Racism is deep rooted is us system it will take a while to destroy it completely

Halafu baadaye,machozi fake zinaanza.

Jiulize, how comes shootings zimeisha, BLM wamenyamaza… :D:D:D

These are political games.

Look at this asshole trying to force tears, na kwao South Africa kumejaa crime na halii :


They have just lost virginia, deep blue state. Nilisema next elections there will be no euphoria.

#Maga! #letsgobrandon!


Why would a cop record and incriminate himself knowingly and willingly?

Let’s watch and see how Democrats and BLM will handle this story. If Obama highlights it jua ni yeye. After the current election loses I predict that Democrats will start their usual games of playing victim and being shot at.

These are ancient socialist tactics.

And people love Martin Luther King but huyo mjamaa pia alikuwa expert in false flag operations and starting riots and chaos. Politicians ni wale wale tu.