Jubilee Wrangles: 2022 Goodies

Cheddar. Everyone has a price.

That’s a wonderful analysis and on point. The disciplinary action on the “rebels” is the worst blunder Jubilee has made. They have angered the support base of Jubilee more, bearing in mind people see it as extension of the BBI crusade. Uhuru should have tried to reach out to the DP and even reached out to the MPs and listened to their problems! Now the winner in all this, at least in the Jubilee fraternity is WSR as you have said.

Uhuru’s support in Mt. Kenya region has gone down the drain. Whatever he is doing now is making matters worse. Why on earth would WSR need Raila’s support? He is his competitor! :smiley:

In my opinion its to early to write off the incumbent as well. I dont see any side hitting the 50%+1 mark. Someone will need to pull a 2007 KICC move.

Exactly! The ground has shifted. It’s very sad indeed because instead of retiring honorably like Kibaki, he will go like a very unpopular man. Those who are thinking that he is still popular have no idea what the common man is saying on the ground. That handshake thing was his undoing!

And people talk about the central protest vote against the incumbent…what about other regions? Kwanza na the tough economic conditions i think voter apathy i think will play a defining role. Watu wamechoka. Umaskini na unyasaji imezidi. Families have stagnated and not making progress…hell some are even regressing. Sasa tutakula ama tutashangilia wanasiasa. Mpaka that dominant milk processer closed some processing plants? Eish. Kura watu wengi naona wakilenga.

Votee apathy plus a compromised IEBC. How some actually think that Ruto will get into power via the ballot is nothing short of bewildering.

KANU itatawala milele na milele


like DP Uncle Dr Ruto PHD ETC

RAO has always lost fair and square. Only 2007 was stolen. 2017 was too big of a thrashing with RAO losing 8 counties he had won in 2013 and gaining none in return. The idea that votes have never mattered is only true pre-new KATIBA

Someone suggested you’re one of my handles… or the other way around

Tell that to NYAYO and his failure to buy the GEMA vote in over two decades.

Tel that to Kabogo losing KIAMBU to a broke Waititu.

Tell that to UHURU’s cousin losing women’s rep in spite of incumbency.

The GEMA vote is a hard-headed vote. IKIKATAA IMEKATAA!!

In fact, the fastest way to a WSR Presidency is a RAO Candidacy

The INCUMBENT has nothing beyond incumbency. When you lose HOME SUPPORT you have nothing to leverage in 2022. Without INCUMBENCY, UHURU is just that, a former PRESIDENT.

:rolleyes:Do you really need to explain yourself in a anonymous forum?

Lastly with my own experience just know your point has hit home where there is no came back. Thats when innuendos or abuse comes next.

I can hear the drums: 'Yote yawezekana bila UHURU… "

I get you. It was all in good fun, though. I never take matters too serious… unless someone owes me MULLAH

How is the IEBC compromised… pray tell? Were all the Senators and M and Women Rep and Governors and MCAs voted in corruptly? Look at how many GOVERNORs SENATORS and MPs JUBILEE has. Compare that to NASA seats… how did RAO win there… pray tell

Never ever happening. DP Uncle Ruto knows only too well RAT is a political conman per excellence. All agreements, payoffs and promises are thrown out anytime. You will soon see it at this handcheque corona team. If you will notice already they hit an impass in the coalition formation. President Uhuru and muhoho refused the demand for mkate nusu. No coalition now, its back to cooperation just like 2000. History has uncanning ways or repeating itself.

It wasn’t. :D:D:D
They can’t even release the proper numbers for that years election!

If only DP Uncle Dr Ruto PhD had spent more time trying to improve that institution instead of helping Uhuru undermine it. :smiley:

Now he needs it more than ever for his fading hopes of the presidency:cool: