I’ve followed with interest the punishments and threats being used to bring pro-WSR politicians to toe the line. Ki-hika and Murkomen withdrew their challenge to their unseating, and it’s been relatively quiet since then.
Here’s my problem:
UHURU is using power to keep guys in check. You toe the line or lose your lucrative position. What happens when there are no more positions to leverage? What happens with your donkey when you no longer have a carrot at the end of the stick?
If you can’t fathom such a time, envision 2022. UHURU is as powerless as NYAYO was in 2002… I dare say he is even less of an influence because, at this rate, he’ll just be the guy without ‘KURA YA NYUMBANI’ with GEMA comfortably out of his grasp.
To make matters worse, he won’t have any political seats to dangle in front of politicians.
Now let’s look at WSR:
He’s already causing HAVOC, no matter how small you may imagine it to be, when UHURU is at HIS most powerful. 2022, self-interest will be the downfall of UHURU’s marriages. WSR will have no such problem because all his supporters understand he’ll be the flag-bearer.
UHURU is trying what was attempted in 1992… Oginga Odinga, Kibaki, and Matiba failed to oust the then weaker MOI because they couldn’t bring themselves to agree on who should get the yam and the knife.
What of 2007 You Ask,
In 2007, it was easy for politicians to fall-behind Kibaki. He was the most powerful political figure then, and it was an easy option. In '92, Oginga, Kibaki, and Matiba were equals, and it’s hard to get equals to agree on a unified candidature.
Gideon, RAO, Kalonzo, and MaDVD are currently equaled. Kalonzo has given RAO leeway too long without returns. Gideon can’t be allowed to lead a group of veterans, they won’t have it. No one in their right mind will fall behind UHURU and RAO, they’ve shown how quick they are to abandon their allies.
What of BBI?
Unless it creates perfectly equal positions, there will always be one position that gets the lion’s share of power. That will be the bone of contention. I still see a WSR Presidency. The only way he’s not PORK, is if he’s not on the ballot. Everything that’s happening just seems to endear him to the CITIZENRY. Don’t write off the man from SUGOI just yet!