I think you mean the opposition is reckless, sisi kama ruling coalition tuko sawa
Hata ruling coalition ina upus.
Drastic times call for drastic measures…I applaud Ngilu for doing whatever she had to protect the environment and her people…may God bless her.
I think I may have forgotten, please remind me the position that Uhuruto gave you during the recent appointments.
hio ni yako
Enyewe you’re thick headed. I don’t hate kyuks. Hate is too heavy a currency to bear.
Senior manager of communication hapo state house, na wewe ngilu alikupatia kazi gani kitui
kwa raha zako
Yes. Zangu. So kaa cool. Usiojione psychologist hapa kwa anonymous Internet forum.
nipewe hio video ya msito Ngilu akisema gari za makaa zichomwe
Huyu afungwe! She’s only serves nuisance value.
Why is it an issue when Kiambu Gorvernor practices what other counties have been doing for ages even without having a quota for the so called outsiders.
And yes,your statement is wrong or passes the wrong message without adding that demarcation of %
Then based on your arguement Ngilu by extension has done no wrong. Maudhui ni yale yale…ama vipi?
Labda aseme barabara za A109 or National roads zisipitie Kitui.Hayo makaa yalikuwa yametoka Tana river na sio Kitui,according to the Lorry driver and owner.