Jubilee Manufacturing Agenda: KE Govt to import 30 buses from South Africa, while TZ contracted LSHS to build buses for TZ BRT

Tano Terror

Kenyan fabricator of passenger vehicle bodies Labh Singh Harnam Singh (LSHS) has been hired to build high-capacity buses for Tanzania government’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) services as Nairobi prepares to import the same from South Africa next month.

LSHS managing director Daniel Maundu said the firm was working on the first order after the Tanzania government contracted Isuzu Motors to build the first 80-person capacity buses for use under the BRT programme.

“Kenya is planning to import the high capacity buses yet Tanzania, which initially imported buses from China, has turned to us to use our 70-year plus experience to build them the buses,” said Mr Maundu who doubles as the Kenya Bus Body Builders Association chairman.

He said Kenya’s plan to import fully built units negated the Jubilee government’s Big Four Agenda, especially the manufacturing pillar, where the government pledged to provide incentives to support local companies in a bid to generate jobs, revenue and hence higher taxes.

Kenya will pay Ksh500 million ($4.9 million) to import 30 buses, effectively exporting jobs to the more advanced economy.
“Our work benefits many companies that manufacture various products from batteries to springs, gaskets, lubricants, iron bars and sheets among other items.
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“It is a vibrant supply chain that if activated could directly benefit 6,000 people employed across the industries,” he said.


This is sad but not surprising at ALL
I’m glad I realised Big4 was a lie the moment it was revealed to Kenyans. I didn’t even raise my hopes up for a second.
If Uhuru is not careful the only accomplishment under his name will be Kibaki’s SGR.

a big lie indeed. Only tenderpreneurs are happy about the Big 4 agenda.

Spot our own, kwa hio South African bus[ATTACH=full]172707[/ATTACH]

@spear, your propaganda is needed here. tell your muthamaki we supported him during reelection campaign but now, he is alone. the grand theft in his government is too much. kamiti needs another set of prisoners

But who said LSHS is the standard? Weren’t they put under the microscope for building steel cages that kill during collisions the other day when a bus modified by them killed tens at sachangwan? This is Mr.Maundu crying out coz they missed out on the contract to supply their deathtraps on Kenyan roads. If the govt has made up its mind on importing, they should have focused on German engineering

BRT ni ya kazi gani kwa hii Nairobi?

even if LSHS are shitty, couldn’t the government support local manufacturers by laying out the specs they want on the buses and have the local companies assemble them?

Even in the US, NASA designs systems for space missions down to the minutest of details and hands the specs over to Space Industry Contractors for production, while NASA’s work is to do thorough QA/QC to ensure what’s produced is up to spec.

just another avenue of eating. Si unaona jamaa washapewa tender ya kuleta mabasi. There will be another tender to service the buses, supply parts, supply fuel etc.

wacha quality bus ikuje. LSHS cut too many corners.

Spot on

[ATTACH=full]172718[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]172719[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]172721[/ATTACH]BRT in Dar es salaam

Am sure we can at least match Dar es Salaam BRT where the buses,of high capacity, have their own dedicated lanes, meaning they can move faster and at quite reasonable fares of Kshs 30 equivalent


Tanzania hata hakuna magari mengi. BRT is a disaster in Nairobi anyway, we need Light Rail, not BRT.

So then we are saying all these years the government has knowingly allowed Kenyan citizens to be ferried in unroad-worthy vehicles

kama the entities supposed to ensure the bodies are of set standards wanapewa chai and look the other way, what do you expect? Juzi KEBS was on the spot for pretending to crackdown on water bottlers yet we know ni chai ilikuwa imechelewa.

Msitu lete hapa…you made the ‘tano tena’ bed now fucking sleep on it!..

Uhuru is surrounded by a thick layer of sycophants hakuna venye ata skia kilio yenu …

Labda his son muhoho kenyata akose transportation ya kumpeleka town ndio ata realise kuna shida


don’t let anyone cheat you. Tanzania if not already ahead of Us economically, may be very close.

on top of our on top of our tourism and coffee, Tanzania exports Copper, Cobalt, Uranium,Tanzanite and Natural Gas reserves are among the biggest in the world.Top that with a stable Political system,and a blossoming port and 10% growth rate over 3 years and we can see where the rain started beating Us