Jubilee Gov - 2000 affordable housing units in 180 days in Homa Bay county

Signed an MoU with the @HomaBayGovt that will see 2000 #affordablehousing units constructed. The ground breaking for the 2000 units to be done in 180 days. https://t.co/RPcGfKaLeI

30% of the cost of housing cut due to the land given by @HomaBayGovt for #affordablehousing units. This was the first MoU to be signed between the National Government and the County Government in continued efforts to deliver #affordablehousing to the citizens. https://t.co/zIbi1bqKd4

Through the Kenya Urban Support Program (KUSP) which is set to be launched during the Devolution Conference in Kakamega, @HomaBayGovt to be issued with Ksh.40 million for Urban Development which includes access to good schools and urban infrastructure . https://t.co/iSxvDT4UuC


Hiyo camera jo…


Ati houses in 180 days? Kwani ni nyumba za nyasi ama ni zile tulikuwa tunajenga na makaratasi tukiwa watoto?

Prefab houses can be done in 180 days even if its 5 storeys if all the materials are in the ground awaiting assembly. Since its up to the contractors to do it, let them sweat over it. I for one don’t mind if its 6months as long as its done.

180 days si ni 6 months. I thought a 2 bdrm house can be done in 2 months if all resources are available unless ni ghorofa :confused: