Jubilee Dev-Tarmacking of Loichangamatak-Lodwar-Nadapal-Nakodok Road

Tuesday 13th February, 2018


Earlier today, KeNHA project supervision team for the upgrading of the International trunk road from Loichangamatak – Lodwar – Nadapal/Nakodok (Eastern Africa Regional Transport, Trade and Development Facilitation Project led by Eng. John Ndinika, inspected ongoing mobilization progress by various contractors awarded the contract to upgrade Lokitaung Junction – Kalobeiyei River (A1) Road and Kalobeiyei River – Nadapal (A1) Road sections of the Loichangamatak – Lodwar – Nadapal (A1) Road.

In 2017, KeNHA awarded Chongqing International Construction Corporation the contract to upgrade Lokitaung Junction – Kalobeyei River, 80Km in length and China Railway No. 5 Engineering Group Limited the contract to upgrade Kalobeiyei River – Nadapal/Nakodok (South Sudan Border), 88Km in length. The contractors have set up there respective camps, mobilized construction machinery and are currently undertaking various works.

This component is an important link along the Biharamalo – Mwanza – Musoma – Sirari – Isebania – Kitale – Lodwar – Lokichogio – Nakodok – Juba Transport Corridor of the East African Community’ Regional Trunk Road Network.

The World Bank and the Government of Kenya under the Eastern Africa Regional Transport, Trade and Development Facilitation Project (EARTTDFP) jointly fund the Loichangamatak –Lodwar - Nadapal Road, whose completion is expected to take three years.

The projects are part of the agreement between the Government of Kenya and the World Bank for the upgrading of the road corridor between Lokichar and Nadapal/Nakodok. The Government of Kenya will finance the construction of the 40 Kilometre section between Lokichar and Loichangamatak.

Once complete, the project will vastly improve the movement of goods and people along the road corridor situated in the North Western part of Kenya, and in particular, will enhance connectivity between Kenya and South Sudan, as well as promote national cohesion and regional integration.

The implementation of the corridor under the mandate of KeNHA will focus on the improvement of the road infrastructure, and the implementation of trade and development facilities, including the development of pastoralist roadside markets.

The key project benefits include:

-Vastly improved connectivity between Kenya and South Sudan, as well as the promotion of both national cohesion and regional integration and economic growth.

  • Reduction in vehicle maintenance costs and travel times for passengers and cargo.

  • Employment opportunities for the communities and farmers along the project road during construction and from the creation of pastoralist roadside markets.

  • Construction and establishment of social amenities such as schools, health facilities, administration units and water pans in order to uplift the quality of life for residents.
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Route map?

verrrrry very good,kudos to jubilee hii ndio development,game changer for real…hakuna kupita ug tena

Venye gathenge @Okwonkwo amesema…

@Okwonkwo ni ngombe muzeee kama wewe jamaa ya magufuli

Coomernina ng’ombe ya kimilili.

Its basically from Lokichar to Nadapal at the border of Kenya and S.Sudan. [ATTACH=full]157366[/ATTACH]

That’s a long stretch. Mnasema it’s only 80km?

The project is split into two, 80kms and 88kms, being built by two contractors simultaneously to have them both done on schedule at the same time. Even Lokichar to Kapenguria is being done by another contractor. By 2022 it will be cruising all the way to the border.

Construction is truly underway.



Upgrading of Loichangamatak – Lodwar (A1) Road is 50Km in length. The contract was awarded to China Railway No.5 Engineering Group Co. Ltd and Lodwar – Lokitaung Junction Road, 80Km in length was awarded to The Third Engineering Bureau of China City Construction Group Company in 2017.

The projects are part of the agreement between the Government of Kenya and the World Bank for the upgrading of the road corridor between Lokichar and Nadapal/Nakodok. The Government of Kenya will finance the construction of the 40 Kilometre section between Lokichar and Loichangamatak.

The carriageway is being upgraded to a 7m wide while shoulders will be 2m wide which is appropriate for highways serving international traffic. At the moment drifts serve many river crossings, where vehicles have to drive through seasonal rivers at significant risk. Permanent bridges will replace all drifts along the road corridor.
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Georgina hawezi comment kwa thread kama hii

The Kapenguria - Lokichar stretch is being done by a local contractor tied to the powers that be. It’s a very fake road. Actually all they’re doing is recarpeting the old road. Won’t last. Already developing potholes as we speak.

The Lokichar - Lodwar - Nadapal is being done by the Chinese contractor. Its a new road. Runs parallel to the old road build by the Norwegians in the 1980s.
They’re doing drainage systems to tackle the flash floods and new bridges where we have washaways.

For those of us who use that road, we appreciate the development but still, we are seeing the difference between the works which is basically the price of corruption (sic. read jubilee development)