Tuko Pamoja
Mimi ningeulizwa maoni kama tax payer ninge prefer hizi pesa za ku launch referral hospitals in every county while there are no enough doctors and other medical personnel na hata wale wako wanataka ku strike next week zingepelekwa Kenyatta Hospital which is a parastatal…to expand its services and maybe branches, buy more equipment for more specialized care, advanced cancer care, …train and recruit more specialized health workers and pay them better…ni hayo tu…lakini sijaulizwa so sitasema
Addressing residents of Kutus. Tyranny of numbers reloaded.
huyo intern doctor huko kerugoya au wajir hospital atajifunza kazi na nini ndio akuwe specialist kama vifaa vyote tutarundika KNRH? hata mimi sijaulizwa…ni kujiuliza tu…
mimi naona tu apathy imejaa kila mahali…:D:D:D
Last month I was invited by a youth group to go donate and volunteer at KNH children cancer ward…the first time ever to go there…I chatted up a doc and he allowed to accompany him on his ward round…ile mateso niliona watu wanapitia jamani
Hizo mashine kutumia effectively lazima uende darasani ufunzwe sio kubahatisha…intern doctor atibu magonjwa ya kawaida kwanza under supervision apate experience then training opportunity ikikuja atapewa kuendeleza speciality yake
lets be honest, this thing of turning every former district hospital a referral hospital doesnt add up. If my info serves me right, previoulsy the only hospitals with referral capacities were KNH and MTRH, so how is it all of a sudden this hospitals have the capacity to handle all those referrals. Mind you, hata this two are currently understaffed in terms of nurses and at some level, doctors. They need to get the basics right. Same thing happened with polytechnics…sasa zote ni university but wonder what they are churning out
Its simple national government Jubilee has done its part now lets election fresh new young leaders to change local politics at the counties not this old dinosaur guard and failed opposition dummies.
Kabisa complete apathy:D:D:D:D:D:D:D no wonder the last hopes of opposition are falling over themselves to endorse President Uhuru
True the National Government should maybe have concentrated on the former provincial hospitals which I think were 8 or 9 not sure…that would have been a manageable number to equip and staff …hizo 47 ziwachie counties wapiganie
this example is a poor one. i dare you to visit nyeri national poly and see very modern but idle workshops coz there are no applicants for the courses (kila mtu anataka kuwa DJ)…the institution is operating at 53 pc of capacity…
i thought mtu hufunzwa shuleni then unapata uzoefu/tajriba kazini kwa kutumia mashine in real cases on a day to day basis…
mkutano ya Rais mashinani watu lazima wakuje…it will be the talk of the village for months to come…the sleek cars , guns, helicopters, cat walkers etc etc ningekiwa villager no way I would miss it
Hizi mashine hata doctors wengi hawana idea how they work kuna specialized personnel wake lakini wacha tupate expert opinion wa the resident Dr Luther
healthcare is more of a service and as such its driven by number of hands at work, sasa kama hio haiko what happens to the insitution and the physical machines. Anyway lets be optimistic that they will do more on training and hiring!
oh yes! watajua how they work zikikaa kwa factory america…
i am with you on this and we better the terms of service to stem brain drain so that we stop training health personnel for other countries…
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Na wewe ungaongelesha nani ama its the prisoners at ignored list
kwa hizo picha za hosi nani ameona dr @Luther12
On a light note,[SIZE=1] is it true @Guru huvaa handawear made out of parachute. Just curious[/SIZE]