Jubilee Dev - Opening of Uhuru Kenyatta House at Kapsabet Boys High School

President Uhuru Kenyatta fulfilled his promise to provide Kapsabet Boys high school with new dormitories. The school board have in turn named it in his honour.



That Sang governor to me is the only youthful leader I see a better promise for this country. Wengine kiburi!!

Slay queens wamelead to downfall ya wasee wengi sana. He needs to be careful and get his priorities right.

@spear kusema ukweli, don’t you think nyinyi kama advisors wa simba 1 and simba 2 mko basement level in terms of IQ. Where else on earth does a whole president accompanied by his deputy officiate the opening of a school dormitory?

Symbolism behind it…
That two support education/ boychild
They are development minded
They are fully behind boarding schools…remember some want them disbanded

[quote=“magreb, post:4, topic:173446”]

@spear kusema ukweli, don’t you think nyinyi kama advisors wa simba 1 and simba 2 mko basement level in terms of IQ. Where else on earth does a whole president accompanied by his deputy officiate the opening of a school dormitory?

My problem exactly. There are far bigger problems to be dealt with in the education sector that needs to be handled. Ni umeffi hii.

Gov. Sang is very polite, almost to a fault. However his politics is deep and calculating. The way he defeated the former Governor resoundingly in the Jubilee nomination was ruthless. The former governor didn’t even attempt to run as independent as some other losing candidates. Nandi politics is very deep and vicious. The old wealthy guard thought this county would be their own to dictate. The first governor was their own and they did a lot of business with him. However the generational change came too quickly and swept RV. They were all sent home by youthful leaders, 99% of former leaders in RV lost at the Jubilee nomination. Only 1 governor retained his seat, Gov. Chepkwony of Kericho county.

Gov. Sang faces opposition from the old guard currently. Its good that he is staying above it, delivering on his promises and the noise makes oversight of county matters possible. That’s said I’m happy that all governors in RV are mostly concentrating on county needs and avoiding national politics. That’s is left for MP’s and Senators who are based in Nairobi.

Personally I went to a national school and through my Primary school education I was made to believe that’s a honour to achieve that. When I got there I realized its a relic, it’s infrastructure seen better days and its name was more famous than the reality. I preferred the iron sheet class and brick walls of Primary school than imposing structures looking good from a far but mould infested inside. Let’s not mention the Toilets and bathrooms. This dormitories built are a luxury compared to some national schools.

kufungua dorm sasa imekuwa maendeleo? Na mbona ashangiliwe kwani ametumia pesa yake personal?

Unless he used his personal finances to build the dorm, this is a ridiculous waste of resources and time. All the money used to host the president and his guests on that day alone can build another dormitory.

Na mkajenga university mzima hivi ama hospitali, si mtaita hadi Trump akuje a witness. Dormitory ya shule? Dorm?!

President anafungua dormitory?

But he is not alone governor anakuja kulaunch street lighting na choo ya mtaa. Ile preparation inafanywa wacha tu. School children have been practising their choruses all week. They will perform their poetry under the street lamps.

President Uhuru Kenyatta also took part in commissioning of Kapsabet plaza in Kapsabet town. Its a commercial building owned by Anglican Church of Kenya. It good for churches to start commercial businesses to be self sufficient in income generation instead of constant harambees from the same church followers. He also laid the foundation stone for AIC church Kapsabet.

I’m glad to have presided over the commissioning of the construction of Anglican Church of Kenya, Kapsabet Plaza in Nandi County. There is nothing better than to be self reliant. It’s only through independence & self determination that we can project our own future.

Developments zimaanza kudidimia, now you are opening doms? Chupilee kweri muna mambo.

Thanks for that, am old boy of Kapsabet Boys High School, truly its a very good school. Apart from the top schools like Starehe and Alliance that target the top cream during KCSE, kapsabet boys took us after the top national schools denied us access. However, at the moment, ist only Alliance High School that can compete with KB.

All hail KB, there is power in the blazer

Kuna Tolgos pia wa EMC county.

Gov Eng. Alex Tolgos Elgeiyo Marakwet County