Kibera Drive Prestige DC Makina Karanja Olympic Ayany Rowallan
Mbaruk, Muchai, Ngummo, Kenyatta Market @KeRRA_Ke did good job at KNH/KMTC #YesWeCan
cc: @KURAroads
You told us several weeks ago that Rabai road was under repair and even posted photos of some pot bellied men in suits ‘inspecting’ the repairs.
As at of this morning, not even one repair man with a wheelbarrow and shovel had been spotted.
Its a new road from mbagathi to KNH not mbagathi road. That way you don’t have to reach Kenyatta roundabout. It starts opposite Kenyatta market up to Kenyatta Hospital.
:rolleyes: why couldn’t they have improved the existing one? Also, I thought the point of expanding Ngong Road was to fix all the issues with its traffic all the way.
You are still thinking of Mbagathi Road. This is not it. Mbagathi road is a cement road and already dualed, it will take another 10 years before surface repairs are done. The only maintenance on that road is clearing drainages.
This road starts opposite Shell petrol station, cuts through lower upper hills, KMTC up to KNH. Its still ongoing. Drainage has yet to be done.
Hii barabara iko hapo kwa staff houses wa KNH… na pia hio police post huwa hapo… The KNH admin have “PRIVATISED” this road and it is only the residents (KNH staff + Police) who use this. And now with the private guards “Lavington Securities” there is no passing through the area if you are not staff (KNH, KMTC or other government offices within the KNH grounds)… It is only during Lesiyambe’s tenure as CEO of KNH, that people would use it to get to Mbagathi way
why do they forget pedestrian walkways every damn time? now these people will be walking smack on the road in the vehicles’ right of way thus endangering their lives. And why is KERRA doing this road, not KURA? ama KURA walishindwa na kazi?