Jubilee Dev - Madaraka Express SGR Kenya passenger service one year anniversary

Its now one year exactly since the launch of SGR Kenya passenger service Madaraka Express between Mombasa and Nairobi. Since then 1,142,000 passengers have enjoyed the service cutting travel between the two cities from 10 hrs to 4 and 1/2 hours. Today also marks the end of the one year trial period for Madaraka Express under Kenya Railways and CBRC. It will now be managed by CCCC Australian subsidiary John Holland who are due to come sign the changeover. They will ran it for 5 years as they continue to train KR staff to takeover completely. Their 5 years management is to prove they have built it to the highest quality and standard setout in the contract. Today also is officially the day that the SGR Kenya construction was to be completed and handed over. CBRC delivered this project 1 year ahead of schedule and on budget. Kudos to all involved. SGR primary service, Freight was launched on 1st Jan 2018 for commercial services. Its now six months and it has evacuated 25,000 TEUs already. This is despite having just one schedule trip a day in the first month, 2 daily trips in the second month, 3 daily trips in the third month and 4 daily trips in the 4th month. To date its still on 4 daily trips. SGR Kenya can handle up to 10 daily freight trips so we are a long way to reach it peak not forgetting when we hit peak demand double stalking of TEU’s can start. Currently we are now evacuating 600 TEUs daily, six months after launch. Considering the slow start, realignment of businesses transport logistics to SGR and adjustments necessary, it has been a good steady progress.

Lastly congratulations for all involved. Former President Kibaki for the vision, President Uhuru for the hardwork of securing finances and most importantly building it in his first term. Jubilee flagship project, promise and legacy fulfilled.

Swafi sana.

i read that so far the SGR has managed to rake 1b on her 1st year… so this means tat we have 326 years to go before we pay off the Kshs 327b to go

Poa kabisa. This is world class.

You see what can be achieved without the likes of Ndubai, Ngirita, Lilian-Omollo :mad:and others looting our common wealth?

Hii watu inafaa wachapwe risasi mbele ya raia.

Kabisa, Madaraka Express has peaked already at 1,142,000 passengers on its first year. Now more scheduled daily passenger trips can be incorporated after careful study of the travel trends. Passenger services alone made 1 billion profit despite being a secondary function. That’s enough for wages and maintenance. All eyes on the primary SGR function, freight service. 25000 TEU’s so far at $500 each that already Kshs 12.5 billion in six months on a launch year!!!This is where we will repay the loan. However let’s await the official numbers but I’m very optimistic.

The lunatic express is over 100 years and still is operational. considering all the parameters and technicalities involved then, including financing and technological advancement, not forgetting the bushes to be cleared, labor availability and the lions of tsavo, I salute the decision makers in the BEA then. Those men were not only dreamers but stupidly courageous. That line has paid off not only in monetary terms but also opening East Africa to the world. If their approach was as simplistic as you see things, believe you me you would be in a village somewhere hunting and gathering.
The coins you pay to coast features nowhere in the loan repayment, unlike the benefits of the rail to the region in the next several hundred years.

not quite accurate. It’s 1 billion in SALES not PROFIT


My fren. Mbele iko Sour? Why give false figures that can be mathematically verified?



I heard someone say here that some of these government projects are not done with an eye on return on investment. The benefits to the citizens surpass all the other benefits.

Wewe @spear sema kama SGR iko wheelchair friendly, tunataka kusponsor ma-youth kadhaa. At the airports huwa kuna ramps and wheelchairs na wana-assist mtu mpaka kwa ndege and vice-versa. Considering how discriminatory the Chinese are known to be to their own people living with disability, I wonder whether such was factored in?

The citizens have spoke.

Discrimination is a human thing not a Chinese thing, intact your statement is actually borderline racial discrimination.

Yes the SGR is fully disabled friendly. You take the lifts like a proper VIP, their are no ramps to get in or out, the doors open and you wheel in, take your seat as the wheelchair is stored on compartments. Inside the hosts and hostess will provide all the assistance you need. Good idea, good luck and have a great trip.

The beautifully done intermediate stations.
Happy Madaraka day people. Let’s watch President Uhuru speech and enjoy the day.

By the way I am trying to book tickets for a group of eleven friends online na naona only 5 can be booked at one go

That is very correct. SOME (not all) government projects should provide social value and not necessarily economic returns. An example would be investment in police, army, schools or hospitals where no returns of investment will be realised. But if ALL government projects don’t have returns on investment, how will the debts be paid??? Anyway, my argument was that his mathematical computation was wrong kabisa kabisa.

Now a days iam having a problem taking this guy
@spear seriously. He is just a usual sycophant.

It’s good to know that the SGR is wheelchair-friendly. Tutapeleka vijana wakajivinjari.

As you say, discrimination is indeed as human as sin, but the issue of discrimination of the disabled (at policy-making level) has been a subject that been addressed even by UNESCO, ILO and WHO. Of course things are getting better, but…

You have to contact them by phone for group tickets or better go to the stations personally to book. Systems will change with John Holland coming on board. Everything done now was temporary as it was a trial period. I remember KR tendering for an online portal and the almost awarded it to Safaricom but AG informed them that entering to such a long term contract without input of the incoming operator is asking for litigation.

Sawa sawa baba, holiday mood has kicked in. Tuna r
tanga tanga sasa mjini. Enjoy.