Jubilee Dev - $2 billion(Kshs 200 billion) North & North Eastern Development Initiative

Today we Launched North and North Eastern Development initiative (NEDI Program) in Garissa with FCDC Govs and CSs Ukur and CS Eugene Wamalwa with the World Bank Team. The launch involved KSHS 140 billion worth of Projects. https://t.co/JMDTrmAXIQ

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Have always wondered why don’t we remove all pollution that goes to the Tana River lock the water the way Egyptians did before the water is dumped in the Indian Ocean. All that fresh water would in turn change the northern Kenya.

Nice project, I hope that climate smart farming will involve modern ranching methods.
shida ya world bank their projects take forever.

i cant trust guys in suits and ties till the work is done

The last major road in the north is to be done. $500 million-Kshs 50 billion Isiolo-Wajir-Mandera road to link Kenya and Somali. With this program and others ongoing then marginalization is over thanks to Jubilee government.

First hii mambo ya kuweka livestock mia moja per family na kumanga manga here and there should be done with. The era of Nomadic pastrolism is over and new solutions for improved livelyhoods should be adopted. No matter how much its part of their culture their lifestyles is unsustainable and its one of the factors that keep these communities languishing in poverty

Why doesn’t the govt reroute the Wajir - Mandera road?. Its so close to the border with Somalia. The stretch along the border is so insecure with Al shabaab attacking security personnel and setting IEDs on the murram road.It will be difficult building the road.
Residents opt to use Mandera - Moyale road instead.

True, Elwak area. Two options. It can be rerouted during the public participation or following security brief. Right now we are just launching the fact that we have finances for the projects. Two. The security fence construction is set to resume. Somali claimed that google earth showed we were 10 meter into the no man land. Well its not true, after 9-11 the usa recalibrated GPS to be a few meters off to stop another similar attack.

True also if the river can be deepened and expanded we can be able to use river barges to send cargo up and down the Tana. Enriching communities that live along the river.

The cost of making Tana river navigable by cargo carrying ships will be enough to build all the roads in the north and Lappset SGR. The ecological disaster as well means it will never pass Nema certification. Imagine dredging it all, destroying river banks wetlands and marine life just to make it look like Europe. Let’s build more irrigation, hydo power plants and domestic water reservoirs on it only.

River dredging happens all over the world so are you trying to tell me rivers can’t be dredged without proper environmental protection?? I should also add that dredging also removes sedimentation which should be done to at least make the river navigable by local communities.

Europe? Who told you it’s only Europe where they use rivers as waterways???

We need as many corridors of transportation as possible. We don’t know the future of Northern Kenya and how the future leaders in that region will align once Somalia becomes stronger.

Its not a priority and yes large parts of Tana River is shallow wide flood plains. It will be an ecological genocide to destroy that pristine ecosystem for a system we don’t really need. Dredging is a messy excise that river wildlife and plants will never recover. Then after that the constant pollution by small ships into the river will kill the remaining wildlife. That money and effort can go to build more roads and railways. We do not need barges in Kenya. Beside its ancient transport means.

Making the river accessible will no cause an ecological disaster?

The overall cost of the current SGR 13 billion. It will cost double that to build a similar rail in Northern Eastern.

Dredging of the Tana River at max will cost $2billion and with the dredged material such as built up sand can be sold to recover costs.

You do also know road is ancient transport means? Same as the ships that still navigate the oceans and the railroads.

Dredging kilindini harbour to be a deep port costed $100 million and the ocean water turned from blue to orange for the entire duration of the exercise. Now imagine the cost from Central upto the ocean. That $2 billion is very very under quoted. You can continue pretending about the pollution caused but its there. The only reason nema passed it was because the harbour area is already polluted and all marine life there left decades ago. Now I’m trying to see who will allow that to be done to a pristine fresh water river full of life just to see a few ships. This will not pass any EIS scrutiny. Anyway i support infrastructure development but not this. A small river barge ship cant carry much. Roads and railways would, faster and cheaper. You can now have the last say as move on to other things.

It’s unfeasible from central cause of the several dams and the falls in between. But from Garissa to the mouth of the Tana it can be done.

The amount of work that went into dredging the port is completely different from dredging a river for starters.