JSKS Speaks His Mind

Clearly, he has zero respect for the drunkard and rightfully so.

A wise man once said that loyalty is rewarded in instalments but disloyalty is punished intantly. This is what happens when you let your juniors run around town after being disrespectful. Someone needs to grow a pair. JSKS exposed someone as a weak leader.


Jacob Juma is said to have slapped JSKS and we all know what happened.

If people don’t fear you, they can’t respect you. Fear and respect are two sides of the same coin.


Ruto atakuwa rais. But either way, Kyuks are fûcked up.

the two githeri shills are struggling to keep up with Doyen hehe

@spear did you guys leak this for airtime?


cc @uwesmake

jamaa anaita President SILLY . VERY ARROGANT FOOL

Truth hurting

The two ktn women were like school girls, shallow minds and fixated, esp on the slap n sgr issues

Most journalists are like that. Hata Yule Hussein was very meek when interviewing Ruto. Too fixated on figures of speech and weak on facts. How does saying you will slap someone make news for a weak? They have opportunities to corner Ruto but wapi. Ask him about Arror money, for instance.

Gathica hehehe

Uhunye got what he deserved …
There were so many others he could have chosen …

That makes him the first victim of the Hustler … :D:D

Victim of circumstances.

Matthew 21.31b
“Truly I say to you that the tax collectors, prostitutes and drunkards will get into the kingdom of God before you."


You are the very worst. Fucked up bottom up kupinduka. Blaré nũgũ.

In 1938 , Adolf Hitler was able to convince the Germans the same thing about the Jews and other minorities …

4 years later , no one ( … including the Germans…) was laughing about it …

Careful what you wish for … :D:D