Jowie the baller

jamaa was living Large, na parents wanaumi mbaya Saidi.

This son of theirs will drag them through courts and police stations and other tiresome places. I am sure it isnt the first headache they have gotten from him.

Where Jowie and I come from parents do not expect you to foot their bills unless you want or they are sick. Did you hear them complaining au when they heard the son is sick they rushed to check on him?

how did you arrive at this conclusion?

ukuona iyo nyumba chao…

Really people, juzi we were discussing Monicas parents or just parents who are very eager to receive blood money or money from children without knowing the source. maybe they were offered and refused. I have a rela who is a thief. father refused all contact with him but mother still takes his money chini ya maji.

Nax pride hua another level. Kuna mzazi alipeana his son to Hessy and Hessy came for him kwa keja yake in the dad’s compound.