Joseph Ole Lenku Wise Quotes

Westgate terror attack really tested the professionalism of Interior Secretary Joseph ole Lenku. A lot of people believe he did not perform well and some say he should be shifted to a lighter ministry. In the middle of all that, someone has come up with this fictional list of famous quotes by the cabinet secretary.

  1. All the suspects have been arrested. police are looking for them

  2. I can confirm, although I am not certain, that we have very good reason to believe that tomorrow is Monday.

  3. Yes there were 15 to 20 terrorists. We managed to capture both of them!

  4. We killed 5 terrorists, one committed twicide, The other 2 have been blocked by twitter.

  5. One of the terrorist who was shot dead last week led us today to the hide out of the other 3 suspects.

  6. KDF didn’t steal they just held the valuables hostage

  7. We recovered 4 bodies from the rubble. Forensic investigation will determine whether they are really dead or pretending

  8. We had control of the building except for 4th floor,3rd floor and 2nd floor, but I THINK we had control of the building.

  9. There were 15 terrorists, We killed 3 suspects, building collapsed on 5. All of them are dead.

  10. All the terrorists were men except about three women

Bonus – We managed to kill all the 5 terrorists, they were 15 in number

Ole dengu at his prime reminds me of makoha dot makatcha.

Ole Lenku has done well as Kajiado Governor especially the rural areas. However he has failed on keeping Ongata Rongai and Kitengela clean.

.The terrorists ware burning mattresses to block the view of our boyz
The mall is still under sieke.

11.“The smoke from the building is caused by the terrorists burning mattresses to distract the security forces.”

Thumbs up for Ole Lenku for building a modern market


Westgate was a scare and an organized attack where the widow featured, I think she is an operative but I could be wrong.
The merchants of death were well versed with security protocols and had no issue slaughtering Kaffirs, let no one lull you to false sense of security by insulting Mr Lenku or by focusing on the indiscipline of those soldiers.
AL Shabaab are very real, heavily funded and highly motivated to spread their cause.
The truth is all we know about this is what someone somewhere decided that we do, the truth may be about business interests and assassinations.

lenku ako sawa but word on the ground is that he is deliberately ignoring kite and ronga coz they are more cosmopolitan i.e. most folks are not native maasais, anaona kama very soon the maasai will be outnumbered in kajiado by “outsiders” kajiado is heading the nairobi way

Yet the ramshackles still linger on from the market doors

Wao watafurushwa soon kama wenye walikuwa opposite the new stage

Ole Lenku is a high performing governor btw. Kajiado imepiga hatua kubwa sana under that fella.

naskia the docile fool amepewa Maa spokesman


Direct opposite, design ya kukalia wajinga kwa society

Kajiado turned into a shithole the moment Ole Lenku became a governor. It actually became worse.

Tembea huko uone.


Ngong market

Ngong stage

Haijaa uko area ngong, niko hustle huko panga nikichomoka nikam tuchape cup

Revenue mingi inatoka hapo ronga na kite.

Pia kuna road mpya kutoka Rongai tuskys chap chap hadi co-operative college Karen.