John Serut

Her daughter appealed for assistance in paying his medical bills, but she is under siege huko twitter being reminded of what her dad did.


Children are innocent, till she decided to face KOT with threats. Ataona moto huyo. Kuna KOT bado wako lunj kosewe

serut apparently means “nose”. nakumbuka siku ilimbidi ajitetee vikali against rape allegations. hiyo kesi iliendaje?

Huyo dame amesema the name is from her grandfather because he cut a niggers’ serut way back. So vayolense is in the family

Unfortunately, I have seen so many cases where children are visited by trouble over what their parents did. Those guys who were pulling dhuluma in the villages end up badly, and their children suffer. Ishi vizuri na watu birrionaire


Serut na kapondi walikua bad news…warlords

It’s what kapondi tries replicate ova hia, lakini sweeps galore ndio hupokea!

Hawa MPs wa Mt. Elgon lazima wakuwe hardcore. The place witnesses serious violence kwanza towards elections, so it makes some sense that their leader must be someone the locals view as “strong” i.e super violent.

Who usually incites that violence against " outsiders"?

Who are the outsiders there

Some of the stories…





This nigga was full of himself, I’m sure haamini mahali yuko sahii. Huyu akikufa tutakula nyama choma bila kujifunga.

Msee ni thug bana

I read somewhere that the problem started when colonialists forcefully took land in the 30s from the original owners, the sabaots and minority bukusu’s…then when the mzungu left, our post independence government, led by kenyatta, as usual, screwed up the resettlement. There were three phases of resettlement and the first one was the cause of all this since it brought into the scheme some undeserving beneficiaries, I guess the Soy clan of sabaots. The soy had already settled elsewhere and there was no need to bring them back…the other saboat clan, the Mosop had no issue welcoming the Soy since they preferred their fellow sabaots to bukusu’s…in subsequent phases of resettlements the government tried to correct mistakes it made in the first resettlement by moving the soy out of the scheme, chebyuk, but the soy resisted. They even tried to further subdivide the land but this again didn’t work. I believe the likes of kapondi, matakwei and serut are all from Soy clan…they commanded the SDF. Now it was war between two clans of the saboat against each other, then against government forces and I guess against bukusus and any other outsider that had acquired land in the scheme. @Abba kindly confirm if my recollection is correct.

Akufe tuchome nyama msenge yeye. I will come for your head sasa hapo hospitali anabandilishwa pampers.