Creepy Uncle Joe, wouldn’t be surprised to find out he’s committed a string of rapes in the past
Trump and biden are sexual predators. Can’t wait for the mudslinging ads during the main campaign
We have one currently residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that “grabs 'em by the pussy”, by his own admission.
True. Even worse, most likely paedophilia.
Hizo mangombe za metoo zimenyamaza.
Trump will rip uncle joe a new A-hole the chap has lost quite a few marbles, he is having very many “senior moments” forgetting which year he is in, which campaign he is running and generally drifting off topic ! The campaign trails will expose him more just like it did crooked hilary with her fainting bouts !
So corruption in the DNC will hand Trump another victory !
whatsabouts whatsabout whatsabout trump
Wamalize hio ghassia ya democrats
The better evil debate all over again.
Ladies & Gentlemen. Allow me to introduce you to Mr. President; UncleJoeBiden. *Mark this Post.
Sadly, I doubt Biden will be able to string a coherent sentence by this year November, due to advanced dementia.
The Democratic Party are such crooks, they basically cleared the path for his nomination simply because he’s a favorite among the party overlords.
Trump will wipe the floor with Buden’s a**
Dems would rather loose with Joe than win with bernie… The average murican is conditioned to hate progressive socialism advanced by bernie as communism and embrace capitalism forgetting that its plain communism for fat cats at the top(bailouts for wall street bankers when they screw up) and cold capitalism for everyone else( student loans with unemployable degrees)
Patricia haonekani kwa hii nyuzi mbona?
The irony of calling dems crooks when ur party elected the biggest con.
Actually Trump is in many ways like Sanders whereby the people love him but the party establishment is against both of them. Trump took over the Republican Party and redefined it in his own ideals.
That’s a stretch…sanders amekuwa na msimamo since he was a mayor. On the other hand trump used illegal immigrants in his companies but now claims to be against them. Claims to be pro-family when his personal life is the opposite. Claims to put America first then publicly encourages russians to release hacked emails.
The core supporters wa trump ni kama the guys who voted for sonko. Tired of getting shafted by the establishment they decided to go all in for a conman.
In my view the only decent Republican recently was John McCain. And speaking of establishments u saw what the Republican party did to him by pushing him to nominate sarah palin. A move he said he regretted.
Trump’s self-interest in this election is to avoid jail…
When Trump leaves office, the protection that prevents a president from being criminally indicted will be gone. Even before his impeachment, legal experts found ample support for the belief that Trump would be indicted upon departing the White House. The Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office has already essentially named Trump as an unindicted co-conspirator in a campaign finance fraud scheme that saw his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, sentenced to three years in prison. This means Trump is almost certainly working overtime, figuring out how he can avoid indictment after leaving office. The statute of limitations for most crimes is five years. Though there is a tolling argument that could be made, the better bet is that another term in office would run out the clock on many of Trump’s alleged crimes, including the New York Cohen case in which prosecutors have alleged Trump to be both instigator and beneficiary.
Sending people back to work is the best way to jumpstart the economy; it’s also the best way to spread the coronavirus.
And so there is an inherent conflict between Trump doing all he can to protect American lives by supporting continued shelter-in-place orders and doing all he can to rev the economy as a way of supporting his re-election campaign — and the immunity from an indictment that comes with an extended residency in the White House.
But the deadly rampage of coronavirus across the United States has pitted President Donald Trump’s self-interest in maximizing his chances of winning a second term against the safety of the American public. Medical experts, including the National Institute of Health’s Dr. Anthony Fauci, have insisted that shelter-in-place is the best way to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus’s exponential killing spree. While home isolation dramatically reduces the transmission of COVID-19, its economic cost is devastating. Sounding the recession alarm, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has said the coronavirus has led the economy into “uncharted territory.”
If the economy stays below sea level, there will likely be a return to the Bush-era recession — or worse.
There is a slice of voters who supported Trump in 2016 who could be convinced to vote for a Democrat if the economy continues to falter. This has not been lost on the president. Fearing a free-fall, Trump began laying the groundwork to end home sheltering. Last month, he tweeted — in all caps — “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF.” And two weeks ago, he told Fox News he wanted the economy back in gear and churches “packed” by Easter, April 12.
Public pushback from medical experts and governors made Trump reconsider his push to “open the country up.” Photos of makeshift morgues, videos of bodies being loaded into trucks, and predictions of 2.2 million deaths if home sheltering is not continued, helped convince Trump to extend social distancing measures until April 30.
While the immediate danger of Trump’s wish for “packed” public events has passed, it is a mistake to think he finally respects the health risk posed by this virus and is committed to doing all he can to mitigate it. It should not be long before Trump redirects his effort to resume the course he previously charted: people back to work and a growing economy, despite the human toll.
With any other president, we could default to the belief that he has the country’s best interests at heart. But if a Trump presidency has taught us anything, it is that Donald Trump’s first allegiance is — and always will be — to himself. Instead of using this existential crisis to bring people together, Trump has tried to take down anyone who criticizes his botched response to the pandemic, while simultaneously heaping undeserved praise on himself.
Trump absolved his failure to supply hospitals with adequate medical supplies by repeatedly implying that exhausted healthcare workers were stealing surgical masks (and apparently selling them on the black market). And always looking to leverage a quid pro quo — in deed if not in word — Trump suggested that governors should withhold any criticism and instead be publicly “appreciative” in order to get life-saving federal medical supplies for their hospitalized citizens. During his almost four years in office, Trump has proved to be a divining rod that can reliably find and effectuate the worst possible response to nearly any situation. If the past is any predictor of the future, we should brace ourselves for carnage.
Michael J. Stern was a federal prosecutor for more than 24 years with the Department of Justice in Detroit and Los Angeles, prosecuting high-profile crimes, including conspiracy cases related to international drug trafficking and organized crime. He has since worked on the indigent defense panel for the federal courts. Follow him on Twitter @MichaelJStern1.
Biden was set up to lose. The way to win is to set up a dummy candidate on the other side. First trump goes against Hillary and then Biden…
Everyone been known Biden has these shenanigans. Only chance he has to win is if enough people hate trump anyway.