Looking for a part time job,well I know its not a job site but hey I can get connection here ,I got a good laptop ,good internet connection looking for online job I can do part time when amnt in school or rather front office I can also work till 4 I got evening class ,any one with a connection help a friend kindly ,I’m a lady

Let’s start with what’s your skillset?

Can you do video editing?

whats all about it

Safisha wakumbwa mecho kwanza ndio waone kama utasaidika

niko na beste ni professional video editor. Leta link nimpee


If you can do graphic design, I can give you a few links where you can get gigs that will give you a decent income.

But amesema hivi:

sikua nmeona

leta link

Hapa wagonjwa ni wengi…pea wao morw links pia ile ya Chinese Divas

Optical nourishment then tujue what next

Ingia pale uangalie. Else kuna bado iko beta testing though