Looking for a part time job,well I know its not a job site but hey I can get connection here ,I got a good laptop ,good internet connection looking for online job I can do part time when amnt in school or rather front office I can also work till 4 I got evening class ,any one with a connection help a friend kindly ,I’m a lady
Let’s start with what’s your skillset?
Looking for a part time job,well I know its not a job site but hey I can get connection here ,I got a good laptop ,good internet connection looking for online job I can do part time when amnt in school or rather front office I can also work till 4 I got evening class ,any one with a connection help a friend kindly ,I’m a lady
Can you do video editing?
May 16, 2018, 11:42am
I’m a lady
Safisha wakumbwa mecho kwanza ndio waone kama utasaidika
May 16, 2018, 11:54am
niko na beste ni professional video editor. Leta link nimpee
May 16, 2018, 11:56am
If you can do graphic design, I can give you a few links where you can get gigs that will give you a decent income.
Looking for a part time job,well I know its not a job site but hey I can get connection here ,I got a good laptop ,good internet connection looking for online job I can do part time when amnt in school or rather front office I can also work till 4 I got evening class ,any one with a connection help a friend kindly ,I’m a lady
May 16, 2018, 1:55pm
Hapa wagonjwa ni wengi…pea wao morw links pia ile ya Chinese Divas
Optical nourishment then tujue what next
May 16, 2018, 10:57pm
Looking for a part time job,well I know its not a job site but hey I can get connection here ,I got a good laptop ,good internet connection looking for online job I can do part time when amnt in school or rather front office I can also work till 4 I got evening class ,any one with a connection help a friend kindly ,I’m a lady
Ingia pale kuhustle.com uangalie. Else kuna tutors.kreo.co.ke bado iko beta testing though