Jimmy Wanjigi

Jimmy Wanjigi want to be Raila Odinga’s, running mate . I don’t think Raila is that dumb to accept Jimmy as his running mate. Short man can’t win MCA election let alone presidential.

Maybe it’s the mbirrionaires condition for financing RAO’s presidential bid!

Remember Raila owes '007 for financing the last elections, which was suppose to be paid through pledged Tenderpreneurs za SRC na Dams kathaliza. James Bond is just staying close to his debtor…atalipa ashinde ashindwe. Mafia loans is like drug deals. This also is the reason why Rao sold his a$s to Uhuru. He’ll support Uhuru at any cost to pay Jimmy’s debt

Wanjigi is not running for any seat. Kuweni serious mkipost vitu zengine hapa.

Rao alipe deni polepole.

Where will Raila get his campaign money from? The Kenyatta Family?

When I grow up I want to be like Wanjigi. Seems like being a financier is a more powerful and profitable than being in office.

It is but both is even better, see UMK & co. A financier with power is almost king. If you are a Kenyan you sort of have to align with your tribe. Indians have learnt how to play both sides.