[SIZE=5]The businessman has announced his candidacy in the upcoming elections. Political analysts, does the man stand a chance?[/SIZE]
Why not, Mr. Political analyst?
Why not, Senator?
I posed a genuine query yet you laugh.
Why do you laugh, Mr. @MamboYote ?
He has money to buy votes
Stick to your duel with @Pomegranates mambo ya politics wachana nayo
Duel? No such thing.
@Pomegranates & I are business partners and long time buddies. Our hobbies include smoking Montecristo Dantes Cigars & imbibing Glenmorangie Signet Single Malt Whiskey as we watch our European machines getting detailed. (“Chunga usigware hiyo paint nyang’au! Hiyo inaweza nunua Harrier kama hamsini, alafu izilipie comprehensive insurance ya 200 years!”)
So-called ‘Duels’ are mere sideshows. Disregard them entirely.
Anyway, do you mind answering my initial inquiry, Mr. @Thirimaii ?
Interesting… I suppose some of the candidates are equally if not more moneyed as well?
the goal is to deny Ruto the massive united Mt Kenya vote… i don’t think any shiny eye is expecting to be pres of Kenya in 2022
I don’t mind answering your question.
Outright answer is NO
Coz the guy history is dented by being involved in corrupt deals.
He shouldn’t be given the space to practice the same in totality.
Kenya would bleed economically under his tenure
@WIGSPLITTA = @Douchebag = bottom homosexual
He will go the Peter Kenneth route, out of the race after the first ten minutes of counting votes.
Dude angebaki tu deep state behind the scenes…he lacks the balls to handle the Recoil of shieth konyagi atakua amewacha.
So which candidate would be a better alternative? WSR?
Another rich fool