BAD TEACHING and “scripture slinging” will keep some in doubt their whole life. But understand this truth clearly.
It’s NOT correct to think … that when you sin, that God will remove the Holy Spirit from you … and then when you confess, He will put the Holy Spirit back in you.
What we need to understand as believers is that Christ is not afraid of sin. Nor is He afraid or “unaware” of your sin condition. He already died and took care of sin.
So whether you understand this fully or not as a believer, you need to know that you have an advocate in Christ Jesus.
And His blood continues to wash you of your sins … whether you want it to or not. You are HIS. You belong to Christ. And nothing can pluck you out of His hand. You have received the Spirit of Sonship. The Spirit of adoption.
Seriously, why would I want a salvation that could be lost? Even bettter, why would ANYONE want a salvation that “could be” lost? Why would you ever want to tell others the “good news” about a salvation that could be taken away?
That’s not salvation … not even a little bit. That’s spiritual gambling. And even worse … a salvation like that isnt “good news” at all … it would be the “worst news” ever.
There is NO ATTRACTION to a temporary salvation that can be taken away based on your “performance.”
Godliness is not about who has the best “performance,” Godliness is not about who is the best at following rules. Godliness is a person. Christ Himself is our Godliness.
Holiness isn’t just about your “conduct” … but rather about laying hold of Christ. When you’re saved … you are saved.
And NO … I am NOT encouraging you to GO sin. What I’m expressing (hopefully clearly) is that when you DO SIN … because we all do, every day in either word, thought or deed … run boldly to the throne of grace to help you.
Don’t shrink back or run away from God. When you believed the gospel … you were immediately, permanently, and eternally saved.