All of a sudden Uhuru has turned into a saint in their eyes. His ass is very ripe for licking. He’s no longer the demon they accused of stealing from Baba and killing tens of ODM supporters :D:D:D.
Kaleos were also uhurus biggest defenders despite what they did in 2007/08. Politics is all about interests. When interests converge you become a team. I was babas biggest critic in 07, 13, 17 but now biggest supporter after our interests converged.
Raila during the last election that was nullified. Ask luo to vote then go home, they will be in government whether what happens. That is why mmany jaruos knew they will be in government.Kidogo kidogo, handshake, na hivo ndo tuliingia government tukapindua Jubilee shit. Do not joke with Jaruos,
I don’t defend uhuru n let no one lie to you we defend him, it’s interest, if u have watched the godfather utajua mbona Bumpy n Chin Gigante had an alliance, n by the way leo umeongea kama MTU ana akili ya chini sana
Interesting times lie ahead.
In the coming election Mt. Kenya Nation will either benefit by a lot or be the biggest losers.
None of the two horses are in their good books. The preferred candidate(Mudavadi) is weak when it comes to intense politics.
The options can be 3(maybe there are more?):
Ruto, “Hustlers” & Upcoming Kingpin:
Support Ruto with the hope that he will choose a DP from the mountain. Ruto has endeared himself to the common mwananchi with the ‘nobody to somebody’ topic and promises focused on the lowest class.
The problem is that many in his camp are in it for the money. He also has a strongman approach to politics, something that doesn’t go down well with a population that is mostly pragmatic. The DP also has many eyeing the running mate position and there’s a guaranteed falling out in the making, unless he can really marshall them into a team.
Raila, “Dynasties” & The Next Conversation:
The way things have always been done. Seek blessings of the owners of capital and vote him in. The former PM is a proven mobilizer and an enigmatic character despite age.
A Raila presidency presents chance for the mountain to reorganize in the wake of the void Uhuru is leaving. Judging from character, there is a slow warming up to the guy than the DP.
Raila is seen as a state project to a highly inefficient, corrupt government. His integrity score has taken a big hit.
OKA being on its own is to his disadvantage.
End of Kingpins & New Age Democracy:
Get rid of the idea of Kingpins. Get done with MKF as their spokespeople politically. Hold leaders accountable. Change politicians like the diapers they are.
The Kenya we want.
It will also mean end of numerical advantage as a negotiating factor. It signifies that the Mt Kenya Region has matured earlier than the rest of the country, something that can go either way really in charting Kenya’s path going forward.
But wewe you support jambaz & co the same people who are accused of slaughtering your kin huko RV. The memories of kiambaa Church are still fresh in our minds.
They slaughtered while “defending” Raira’s “stolen victory.” Baba also went out of his way to make excuses for the arsonists…ati sijui it was a stove that started the fire…mara the youth didn’t know there were women and children inside, as if it’s okay to burn an empty church. Do something about your selective amnesia.
When will you ever learn that I don’t actually give a toss about who you support? when you are done pretending to be a Kyuk we might actually vibe… you know?