Someone actually pulled it off on a partner with whom they were at wedding planning stage. Jamaa anasema he didn’t feel sad, he felt like he was living with a cartoon. Aliambia mtu kuwa he has hit a serious financial dent due to KRA issues ( he’s a business owner) and he has to sell the car , later at night akaulizwa ‘beb this weekend can we go masai mara, Lizzie amenishow anaenda na Chali yake…si we go like double date?’…jamaa alipotia zii mrembo akanuna and for the entire weekend her phone was off, ikawaka on Monday with excuse ati alikuwa shags na network was down(common kunguru line)… midweek jamaa amekuwa sort of semi-blocked on fb…he can see her page is dormant but akitumia account ya a mutual friend anaona what looks like weekend pics and they don’t seem shags… white colored elegant buildings with a swimming pool and manicured lawns… to celebrate that near miss(alikua ashaanza kupigishwa round mwendaa kwa wedding planners!) jamaa fitted authentic leather upholstery and a Harman Kardon sound system on his Benz w124…
Kunguru plan for wedding not marriage, they fishing for the loaded and wedding is one way of setting social status and of course availability of free flowing money
Taking relationship advice from a woman is akin to asking a fish how to catch a fish… instead of asking a fisherman. Anyway, let’s say you do what she says and you finally “discover who you married”. What then is your course of action if you do not like the discovery? Do you divorce? Go for couples therapy? If you opt for therapy, do you have the time, money and commitment to pursue therapy? If you divorce, how do you explain to your extended family you are divorcing over a fake problem? What if you divorce and you never lose your job? That means all this was done for nothing.
Kuna wedding nilihata august,it was all expenses paid and i mean aALL. Kama ulisimamia,nguo zililipiwa,if you were a close friend of the couple ulilipiwa airfare return,hotel full board wewe hadi kunguru pale north coast. Pombe ilikuja na pickup day one na two na sherehe ilitamba four nights …bride suggested the whole idea. Sikuenda ju it didnt seem right hata ka groom ni birrionea kupindukia