Japan installs cardboard beds in Olympics hostel to discourage sex amongst athletes



Wajinga hao,si mattress itawekwa kwa floor na game itambee…hawa macho ndogo nao

True dat

Bed poa sana

Human beings are extremely creative. Sex will happen. This could be more of a cost saving and sanitary measure.

:smiley: :smiley:

Stupid Japanese…Twa Twa si lazima kwa bed, ata kwa floor, anywhere is twa twa but si lazima kitanda.

A tone of BS, it’s like all Olympic participants have uniform weight.

“The concept was to make a lightweight, easy-to-assemble mattress and meet the Games’ Sustainability Plan”

Wanaotaka ngono wanipigie simu in advance. Limited spaces available. First come first serve. Deluxe inakuja na shaving for the kungurus as extra