James Kamwere's son ni deadbeat pia..EXPOSE' moto

Haha gatso,fuck.madame watuache tukule Mali yetu.

  1. No man just wakes up and decides to run away,
  2. Boychild amemeza red pill akaona kulea single mother ni upuss.
  3. Ongezeeni zingine.

Wah! I work with one of the ladies listed here but she’s not a socialite, wacha nimpigie simu nimulize what she’s doing with pples deadbeats.

Women generally love looking for unnecessary problems. If u already got the first kid, you blundered once why not just raise your kid in peace. Why all this mess? So that pple can see you can bag a man? Those pple ur trying to prove a point to won’t be with you wen ur suffering. Let pple label u single mother but at least u r at peace. And you have your dignity you are not living a life of a beggar. Let pple talk. So what? Sasa on a matokeo ya pple pleasing. Even this kids what kind of a childhood are they experiencing.

Income iko , 80k from the mum monthly

Seriously if these are the girls talkers mention here then I do not blame them. Who on earth stretches to a 4th child with a dead beat? And how many times does she name drop…so what happened to her own business? my head hurts.

4th? I thought she said they had 2 together and she had 1 before they met. Mrs Shosh many women in Kenya are married to themselves. I know several women whose husbands or baby daddy’s come from well to do families but the ladies are just like any other single mother the husband does nothing and even demand money from the women. That’s modern marriage. I know a lawyer lady who gives her husband 10k daily stipend. It’s not just parents giving stipends wives are giving stipends to grown men that is why this guy has moved in with Wandia she is giving him a stipend.

And majority of dead beats are from well to do backgrounds. It’s only after ur married that you discover the guy has never worked a day in his life n he’s been living off of his parents b4 that the parents pamper u so that you marry n have kids you only realize wen it’s too late. The guy is an addict or just downright lazy.

Anyway she needs to be tight with his mom and forget about the guy. He is a wreck. She can’t save him. It’s too late. Let her get married to the parents. Is someone who sits at home all day then wears work clothes to go meet his friends who are actually from work normal mentally? . These are the pple who commit suicide. She better start jipangaing with his parents. Hakuna mtu ako hapo.

Siwes Soma opusss

Read she is 4 months preg as we speak. The MiL will not be accomodating after she has hung their dirty laundry out there.

Wah! She wants to secure inheritance by having the numbers. Let the parents die then they can all start going to court over the property. Thats the norm. She will be fine. At least the parents are taking care of her. What else does she want a bum who seats at home all day then goes out all night. The parents is who she needs. Forget the guy.

Will they have her is the question? why are they giving the deadbeat 80k and not her? she should have begged them and avoided the media.

They don’t care about her its the kids they want. They’re giving her but she wants more. She is a stay at home mom. How do the kids and do other things including medical yet the guy disappeared literally.Shes living in a free house, free food, medical she just wants control of the guy n more money but she’s getting the basics. Have you seen any mention of specific needs of the kids not being met? BTW wen ur rolling with socialites 80k is a drop in the bucket. The guy is broke. That’s why he hooked up with a sponyo n runs errands with his parents car for money.

The parents should force him to work otherwise after they’re gone he will squander everything. I always thot kids ground pple but some pple are just irresponsible.

Stop owning what u cunt .just do initials of it colleague and where she stays.and I will never doubt you.

She is lost too,but wants to belong where she can’t

All she wants is security… From the word go she knew what she was doing, she was a single mother who preyed on a weak man with zero convictions and motivation but had a birthright to a billion-dollar empire…

That Kamwere is a mark/easy target/ sucker and I respect the mami for baiting and catching him… Now she has an uphill task of securing her future and that of her child…

Kamwere’s family is providing her with sustenance but this is not enough… She has 2 kids with another one on the way with the son… She has all the bargaining power, the MiL knows.

Her decision to publicize this might seem crude but she has a goal in mind and I believe she will get what she wants. This mama knew that Kamwere’s son was a spoilt brat, she knew… She played dumb until she got paged and she has been pleading her case to the MiL since then.

This is how you secure the bag… Having one grandkid can be dismissed, but 3 grandkids; now that’s a masterstroke… Hongera kwake

mleta mada bwana @Brikicho Bantureh acha maneno mingi, unipee namba ya Fatma Wandia nimdish weekend hii.

Hiyo sii income anaweza prove in court. Its like charity. Yaani huyo ndume na beggar hawana tofauti.

Weee oki


Hehehe…Gato was a childhood friend, chilled out dude, naona mama anajaribu kumfyonza.

its just a foolish choice. ile ya kusema at muturandom atabadilika.