Hello talkers, I’m searching for PDF copies of James Hadley Chase books that I can put into my Kindle. Thank you.
Those books were the most useless , nakumbuka high school salivating because all the covers were super hot (for back then) lakini huko ndani hakuna myanduano
Wewe wacha zako hahahah
U don’t know what u talking about
I have the whole collection but as an epub
How can I bookmark this on phone?
He was a good writer niggas these days don’t read
Those days there was no internet or smart TVs to keep kids occupied. It was football then such books by hardly chase, nick carter, Robert Ludlum, Wilbur smith and so on. These was a positive trend because the culture of reading was eventually drilled into us.
Damn…good old days. Also Sidney Sheldon’s books were awesome. I have read all of them.
me too I have a whole collection of Sidney Sheldon and Jacky Collins books…Read and re-read all of them
its from the website https://b-ok.africa/ so you can bookmark that and make your search requests.
Nilinyonga tumbili na hizo covers aisee! NO orchids for Miss Blandish
Same and I got them hapa when it was klist
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Simple see attached
Hardy boys
How? Saidia please. I can’t upload them onto Kindle on the epub format, but the PDF format works a treat.