Jambojet hoax?

Travel tonKigali and Take a 4hour bus ride to BJM it will cut the cost by half

ahaa…it hought they all use the same model…thanks for the clarification

Downside of not having a national Airline, Foreign Carriers will Price to the Max

Is that real…with 80K I do a flight with return ticket from Stuttgart or Frankfurt

I believe so…return flight though…these flights in Africa tend to be very expensive. Flying out of the African continent is way cheaper than flying within it thanks to high taxes, fees and charges slapped on airlines and passengers. On average, passenger’s fees and charges are twice as much on the continent than in Europe or the Middle East …kitu na open sky or such kosokoso

Huwa Nika matatu za super metro ndani

Taxes in Europe are higher than Africa, Only reason fares are high is due to lack of competition,

Hebu fanya research uone…

I am in the Industry, Taxes in Africa are way lower, with the Exception of Ghana

Thanks for this interesting information!

What about the African governments refusal to implement the open skies agreement,could that be a factor too?

Open Skies will be non-beneficial to African countries, Qatar Emirates and KLM would kill the Local Airlines , then form a Partnership to Increase fares (Flying in Africa is a loss Making venture )

Okaaay…what happened to SAATM,wasnt it supposed to make things better?

If this is true so sad and unfair na venye kengine kaliniringia nikienda coast

PR, No government followed through

Parts of the country are slowly reopening, but for many of us our homes will still be linen dress for a romantic wedding-guest look “I think unrepentant sloppiness is the new fashion-forward,” Robert Kraft, a record producer and songwriter, told me. Kraft, who lives in Los Angeles, keeps a Brooks Brothers button-down shirt on the back of his desk chair for Zoom meetings but otherwise dresses in Adidas sweatpants, an R.B.G. or Steely Dan T-shirt, and a baseball cap.