Jambazi sugu kutoka TZ imekipata.


the real tragedy is humans think they are better than other animals

Mukiambiwa negroes are savage beasts munasema ni self hate

That nduthi thief gets you at night, you will meet your makers. He was given justice in a way he understands.

In Mexico cartels do much worse.

Huyo si cartel, huyo ni mtu odinari

Brain dead monkeys like you is why this shit happens

This is not justice this is much worser


Eish. I bet he almost wishes they lynched him instead.

…but you dont want to paint these white police man as savage… decolonise your racist bonobo brain


The streets of Dae Es Salaam are safer because of the brave act of that patriotic Tanzanian

They should’ve torched him there there

Car owner might be in deep shit. Reminds me of a story I heard. Business man found a thieving employee, together with his sons, wakafunga mwizi kamba and set him on fire. Luckily or unluckily, mwizi hakudedi.

Saizi bussiness owner ako ndani kifungo cha miaka

These guys bitching here has never been robbed. Ukiibiwa you will be watching such videos without feeling anything.

Bonobos. Jungle justice. Nothing to see here. Just another day in Africa.

Blm is not interested unless a white cop is involved.

Please take your cooning/kitchen toto mbalii

Jungle bunny I am sure you really enjoyed this bonoboesque razzmatazz. You probably came thrice while watching the clip, didnt you?

Mwizi wa mabavu,they’ll not hesitate to shoot or stab you for change.

Mwizi ni mwizi,hakuna kesi pale,hata mtoto yangu akiwa mwizi sugu ya kuua watu and rape women,nitalia ,nitakua na uchungu akiuliwa but ajue alijiletea mwenyewe…

Even sky daddy endorses it.Redact the third verse:D:D:D