Jamaa wa Kanairo

I’ve noticed one thing in my social circle. Most guys that settled with women who moved to the city from outside counties are very happy compared to counterparts who married the typical manzi wa Nai.

You find a guy, born and bred in Eastlando/Kile/Lavi has gone to school and done well for himself. He partied during Uni and ruined other people’s sisters but settled with a ‘village’ girl. The girls who went to Kaptimbor Primary and finished in Kapropita girls after which they found themselves in the capital city thanks to their brilliance.

Most of these girls tend to be traditional and know how to raise a family. They grew up fetching firewood, cutting Napier grass for cows, going to the river for water etc.

They usually are in regular program at public Uni. In first year they stand out like a dot on a domino because they talk with a shrub and their fashion sense is wanting. The lucky ones who don’t get carried away by the city life finish Uni on time and they land a job because of merit and then they keep shining in the workplace. At this time, you cannot tell them apart from their city born peers.

Even my homies abroad who settled with such girls… They have built investments to rival local tenderprenuers. Mostly because they have women with foresight. The others are just competing and arguing with their wives who should do what, when, where.

Peter from Buru, I’m speaking to you. Find that woman, marry her. Achana na akina shix and soni.

You’re on the right track buddy. The same principle applies to women. Akina Kevo you guy, my guy the mama’s boys always ends in tears. Why? Most of them don’t have the ‘spine’ to be that old skul stand up act like daddy was. Actually when I think about the guys I grew up with many are failure to launch cases stuck in perpetual adolescence. Their peers from ocha are eons ahead. You recall how Nairobi kids used to look down on villagers? How things change.

I usually see this Time and again. Plus the ocha guys support a whole village to boot and they all end up making it. It’s a cycle of success.
They are hungry for life and want to continuously improve their situation even though its not too bad.

That’s it. Born taos take things for granted or perhaps they don’t think a middle class, stable family life is all that it’s cracked up to be.

Nairobi women are not cultured.
They’re good for partying, but that’s it.

…and then there’s the evil town campus pal/sister whispering venom to the demure silent sister, every time they hang out you find a commercial activist in the house in place of your lady…bloody dementors!

@smokin_gun ,yes that city lawyer showed us the same with dairy products.

Your fellow officer and village girl Caroline Kangogo just shot two of her lovers dead na wewe bado una insist village girls ndio wazuri?

Plus I don’t see how a city boy like @Sambamba can settle down with a village girl from his village Rwathia in Murang’a . Sambamba is just too arrogant. If she burns his shirt by accident while ironing, he’ll throw her out.

Sambamba wants to marry up the ladder. He doesn’t even want city girl @Coronatities , he wants Uhuru’s daughter. Most millenials want the person in the upper class echelon. Which is why sambamba hangs around the best joints in town so he can bump into Murathe’s daughter. If that were to happen hamtawai pumua tena hii mji.

After marrying Murathe’s daughter, @Sambamba will then start saying stupid shit like, “Guys have you noticed champagne nowadays has another ka taste? Is it just me or what is going on? Last week I was in Monaco and the pane just buzzed different. Or maybe it was the caviar. So anyway on the jet back to Nairobi Mo was telling me this funny storo, Mo is Balala’s kiddo…”

Word! I don’t know about the rest of the world but kwenye niko mashinani guys and their wives are land and property owners here and at home. They can ng’oa/uproot the queen’s lingua all day long but their bank accounts tell a whole different story.


You forgot to add one part, the shagzmodoz has to get considerable exposure to the city first so that her true colors in the city can show e.g uni. Ukiendea shagzmodoz straight from shagz utatii.

You will be singing that professor Jay song yenye alitoa dame ocha akamleta direct kwake.


The kevos, brayos and born tao guys tend to slay girls sana in their 20s because girls at that age just wanna have fun. After 26yrs their bullshit shtick start to crumble because women their age now want mature men, something that they are not. After 30 hao kwisha,they start to decay and go out of fashion. They only women they get ni makuro na wale malaya wa mtaa wenye sasa wana take advantage of them because no other woman want’s them. The ninjas now slide into alcoholism and drugs to cope, which eventually leads to Aids and STDs. The shagzmodos win, again.

Hapo hakuna kauongo hata kadogo. Kula msichana amenizingua kutoka mashinani. Msichana tabia ako nayo, reserved and hard working. You cant compare her with our do nothing kanairo gal. She has a listening ear. Venye kananipeleka ni kama nita andika resignation letter kwa ile chama ya @Karoga na @Mimi Huwa Namwaga Ndanii . She is 23 year. Huyu naweka kwa nyumba hakuna kuingia zile misitu. I will make sure hadi savings nimetoa nipelekee ng’ombee za mahari.

Lanye wa ocha ni watamu

following slowly

You can even manzi wa Nai that is well raised.

Hao wa ushago wakijua life ya jiji wataharibika sana.

This was in mind. You see, the shagz modo, especially ladies after joining campus and learning how her friends are Hawking pussy to sponsors, they tend to be influenced easily just to keep up with the standards of her friends. Huyo by the time she through with campus, her fake standards will be over the moon.
To me, in whatever capacity, the benefits of marrying a city girl outweighs the risk

I agree.

A well bred middle class woman beats a shagzmodoz anyday, ule wa shagz maybe hardworking but anaeza kuangusha when it comes to connecting you to people with money or just trying to survive in Nairobi when the two of you are so different

I’m shocked all of ktalk isn’t on your a$$ right now! How dare you insinuate that there’s an expiry date on men? We all know wanawake pekee ndio wako useless after 26!

The wall is non-existent for men!

Moto sana :smiley:

Hii advise haikusaidii ju already una familia