I guezz this is why women are not allowed to talk about sex. They will say their husbands do not satisfy them on the red table talk. Female sexuality discussions should be restricted to sweat lodges. The truth is too harsh.
For all this year’s Amekua akilala njaa, ama Ni mtaro imechimbwa???
She speaks about the need to speak candidly about sexual desire with your partner.
She does not say anything about Will underperforming.
I think Jada should keep off sex topics for now, amechoma sana. If you want to do orgies, swing, open marriage OK but society doesn’t approve. Keep it to yourself. So if you are sexually desiring another man you tell your husband?
It empowers and gives relevance to certain Females to put down their partners …
If you find yourself in one of these types of Toxic Relationships …
Just walk away … :D:D
Will needs to shut this red table shit down. Jada has lost the plot.
This woman is a rela pain in the ass…
Gwyneth Paltrow!!
"I pointed at the donk and told her this supposed to be yours
Showed her a couple stacks and told her I’d let her blow it
The hottest nigga in the city, baby, you can’t ignore it
I showed her I was a real nigga and she went for it
First time I caught her shit, she aint even know how to throw it back
Now she an animal, I got her sex game right
I taught her how to talk to me while she take pipe
And opened her up and showed her what a real nigga like
I told her I don’t usually do this, I don’t fuck on the first night
‘Cause after I beat you, baby, I’m liable to fuck up your whole life
I got her trained, now she suck me with ice
I call her my lil’ bust it baby 'cause she keep it tight
Whenever I tell her to bust, ain’t gotta tell her twice
Whatever I wanna get off, she know how to get me right" ~Plies
Imagine these words being sung by Tupac as opposed to Plies. Jada is what you’d consider damaged goods. Will is too much of a nice guy to do the shit ass stuff that Tupac made Jada crave.
She’s not putting him down if it’s the truth but I think 93% of women especially married women haven’t had an orgasm with their husband so she’s saying something that is a universal unspoken truth. Probably she’s frustrated sexually like most married women and she thinks by talking about it every chance she gets she will be heard. No Jada honey this is a man’s world. Satisfying women sexually isn’t on the agenda only using them for sex is.
Compare Apples with Apples …
Most normal 20-30 year olds can perform multiple times daily …
She should not compare those young Rappers she services with Wil Smith …
Sexual compatability is a Tick Box you check BEFORE you get into a Union …
Most middle aged Males allow Life Stress , Society Expectations and bad life habits to creep into their lives …
The Dr. Rexx Simba Life Mantra :
“Just be Yourself …
No matter what they say …” :D:D:D
In some marriages a guy can just pack his suitcase and vamoose. No problemo. In others its more complicated.
And what does airing your sexual frustrations to the four winds get you? It’s shameful. I’m sure Will Smith has some equally intimate and embarassing things to say about his wife. For all her redeeming qualities, Jada is a loose woman.
Nobody important cares about your morals as a woman. Donald Trumps wife is a clear example. Also most sex workers and porn starts are married. Nobody is checking your record. It’s a loose world. Sasa if Jada is loose what of these Swingers?
Yes nobody cares. And this is why self-respect and maturity is very important and says a lot about a person than any glowing praise from anyone.
Capote you occasionally raise sensible points but on this one, as with several others, we both know you are flogging a dead horse.
She later claimed that Twitter misunderstood her statement so the matter is rested. Why she keeps doing that shit is beyond me. Still, a woman with a loose mouth and morals.
And that’s where the professional services of this skilled therapist are so badly needed … :D:D
Is it her professional services we need or her cellulite?