At 1400hrs we get the results from ANC nec. Rumour has it he has fallen. WNBPrisident’s BFF Cyril Ramaphosa takes over
Seems he has survived.
Anybody commenting chieth here about being the first to reply to ones thread, nitakupiga. Mbirikong’o wewe!
Watch this feature on Al Jazeera. That Cyril is a mound of chieth.
Used to be the majority share holder at Spectre International associated with tinga. Aliuza ama badoyupo (51%)?
Okay we won’t point
out your fap hinting action hihihi
@Koolibah wewe ni mtu mavi sana.
Unajiongelesha on your own thread ka wazimu badala hata utumie ile gay handle yako ingine ya @Slartibartfast
Zuma apana tambua takataka
He survived.
Boss, its mkundu. Hii ndo shida ya kusomea shule ya D.E.B uniform ya red matambara
Isokei atleast nilisomea kwetu. Thanks for spelling correction, sasa umejua wewe ni hio
thie toro …
Skoris koolibah
Wacha kunitata you fat furk.