Jabass Caught Stealing 15Mbirrions



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Si muwache ajenge na aibe ndugu. I have come to realise all the backlash about jambazz is a hogwash! This guy is doing well but we are programmed with negativity about him hatuoni Kitu. Let us see us man!


For instance, the guy has already commissioned njia ya Naivasha Moi north Lake road ishikane na South Lake, yes he has vested Interests in the area but thousands will benefit ndugu.

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This is a guy it’s claimed can give out two mbirrions bila stress.
Those mbirrions must be stolen from somewhere. So sadly this is not news.


Hatajenga. He’s too greedy
After pesa imetoka he will paint kiwi on the road like moi and call it a day

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Nigga, you are typing this in your rat hole who have never had any managerial position. That’s not possible my nigga

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…sema amefanya nini, hio unasema ni promise. And you know promise za hio mutu ni promise tu.

upus do you think this thief will ever make any progress happen in this country ata where is the economic value of the road

Wacha ujinga nanii. We are not easily fooled by homeboys and paid bloggers like you.

He stole the whole 104 billion for nhif. 15b is small money