It's not getting any better

Ikue 200 who cares ?

Market projects it to close at 160 at the end of this year

Ngori ngori

alisema in two weeks…

When they say that they are not artificially manipulating the dollar, they ARE manipulating the dollar.

We care, Mkubwa!!!
We care!

Let me call anus lickers to assemble and tell us this quagmire @sani @Berlin Oxford @Titty Twister @Karoga @Kalenjin101 @Kennedy Maina what is 2 weeks in jambass time?

Napata wapi Kasi ya kulipa na dorras jameni

Na ipande zaidi

Dola ipande ishuke, tutakula ugali

Tafuta avocado you export. Or even miràa

We are still fixing the handshake

Nimelipa 145 for USD nimelia sana tena zaidi

you can tell who still lives in their mama’s house very oblivious of economic developments. @PHARMACY unajua ata bei ya fertilizer?

Najua Tu ya kutahiri