For me its a competition to reach a target of 100 goals. (No prostitutes)
Then focus my attention on something else.
And am so damn close!
Yes its 100% fucked up.
But this is the path i have chosen. And nothing on this earth is gonna stop me but DEATH
My personality is obssesive… I dont do things that wont make me number 1. (e.g. watching series)
Those are things for normal people. And am far from it!
Am always competing in 1 way or another.
“It’s my parents money, who cares, they’ve insured my health, nitaenda tu mp sha” :D:D:D:D:D:D
Competing with your tinder and badoo whores to see who is the first to die from STDs and AIDS ?
Thats for cancer motherfucker.
Ngoja ufike 50 utapata tumor iko kwa akili na zingine kwa balls.
Wewe ndio captain wa team dry fry na unaniuliza hivo?
Insurance card ya mummy na daddy sasa italipia STI. Kamua hizo pesa kabisa
Five commando squadron insecta robots marching in file. Number four is a new recruit; innocent, naive, and likeable fella. Number one; squad leader.
At one pm number 2 says to number one, “I am hungry sir? Me want to eat.”
Squad leader, “Eat your leg, motherfucker.”
After marching silently for some moments more number two pounces on number three and bites off his leg and chews the nice crunchy leg and swallows it. After seeing this, number three and number five pounce on number four and each chew off one of number four’s legs.
Number three loses one leg.
Number four loses two legs.
Number five, number 2, and squad leader loose zero legs each.
At the end of the long tiring march squad leader is commiserating with his squad members and asks number four, “How many people’s legs have you eaten today?”
He answers, “Zero, sir”
Then he asks number two, “How many people’s legs have you chewed off today?”
Number 2 says, “Me neither. Me have not chewed off anybody’s leg today.”
Blame your parents for being broke. Not me
You must be between 27 and 33years…hapo ndio mtu huona life haina maana cz alichelewa kuoa…
Wait for it…
He will figure it out eventually.
Some people are just slow
what’s the moral of this story now that we are in the age of eating robots?
No morals in the story. Just a random funny dream I had the other day. But one can read meaning to it anyway they like.
Says a guy who pays 20K subscription
Woi.Hizi thread zako za upuss zimezidi.Aki woiye si you grow up.
So banging 100 chicks will make you number 1 where?
Utakuwa unachezea low count beach boy territory with 100 lays.
Ebu google Gengis Khan ujue alikula wangapi ujionee hakuna number 1 hapo uko nayo.
top 1%
Seeing as there’s no cure for young & stupid, jeneza ni yangu…by the way, ordinary dudes give up the count at around 150, all in, which was me about 20 years ago. Lakini wewe…
when you beat King Solomon’s record kuja nikupee dem flani vajo beshte yangu uoe
I have beaten King Solomon. Huyo vajo niaje?