its 1804

Hawa vikojozi hapa chini wasinywe maji maanake maghrib ndo hiyo …


“Kindumbwendumbwe Chaaria. Kikojozi, kakojoa, na nguo zake kazitia mkojo”
[li]@123tokambio[/li][li]@Steelo[/li][li]@Slartibartfast [/li]



“bingwa scrotum” sounds like a name to a really nasty venereal disease.

He suffered from a venereal disease, and unfortunately it wasn’t handled on time…now it’s affected his medulla [ATTACH=full]31909[/ATTACH]


Go piss up a rope.

BWAHAHAHAHA who wants to guess what names were originally posted before @Binjwa Rectum decided he wasnt actually targeting the original users he’d listed and was now targeting a new batch?

… maybe the new list will get more “likes”? LMAO! Hands up if you’re still a teenage girl who is never sure of anything and has to edit, re-edit and reddit AAAAAALL her posts every time she feels like she needs to recapture her target audience!


i can imagine you

aaaw do you “imagine” me a whole lot?

What the hell is bulgogi and japchae?? You are mysterious in real life as in K/talk.

When’s this pregnancy due? You did it?

you that was the prime intention … so u passed the rest of us, and granted the fala a pedestal to bask on.

Arrrrrrghhhh, some of these ktalk men!

Akili ndogo everywhere, sina hata mahali ya kufikiriria

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What tampon size do you wear…?


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Aki you such a starved bitch. You could do with a dump on your a.hole right now

I know you wish for his looks.

for you so ugly; its a sin

ror setup!


Awwwww, another cute one. AND U AINT ONE BTCHHHHH!

You ugly, its so rare. Could be shared around in fractions… like bitcoins, and still u be ugly

I can see your failed hopes and dreams, just the same way u see them in the mirror each morning

I truly hope u dont do skype

Nah, its more sadder, so,

I truly PRAY you dont skype

pigs see themselves in the sky, when they really in a sty