Italian PM Resigns. Where are we Headed?

[SIZE=7]Mario Draghi resigns, plunging Italy into political turmoil… [/SIZE]

The revolution will not be televised

Another win for Putin

Putin keeps racking up Ws.

The sooner that these silly Westerners realize the value of actual diplomacy, the better.

Mimi kama boy wa putin nangoja third world war drum zipigwe. Ni ingie war pale urop lazima ni uuwe homosexual kadhaa. But nitaanza na @Thirimaii

Umewai patana na homosexual imeshtunya…jaribu …ukipatana na mimi utageuka na kuchora saba ata kabla nikwambie easy way or hard way halafu nitakukoroga sewer with niceness

@Meria Mata una like kwa nini…meffiii

Mijinga sana

Tusiwai patana,ngakumiithia mai matari makinyuuu