It rains diamonds in Saturn .

Earth ndio peasant .

earth is not broke… we just value monetary value too much. there is an asteroid in our solar system with enough gold to make gold on earth valueless.

Earth is the richest planet since it has biological life who can then determine whether a diamond has value.

Huko ata kama ikkrain diamonds hakuna mtu ya kuokota

Value is determined by scarcity. Should we move to Jupiter then diamond will be ordinary stones.

What about aliens?

Have you seen them?

Life is Valued in a scale that nothing else can amount because its from the breathe of the mightiest known being

Yes in movies

Aliens who can travel interstellar distance would probably have evolved societies where diamonds is as useful to them as rocks are to us. Astronomers have discovered planets full of diamonds out there. Remember the value of something is determined by the civilization in which it is discovered. And its valuable only to that civilization or others at a similar stage of development

Consider the pineapple. In 16th century Europe, this was an extremely valuable commodity after it was brought back from South America. Some estimates say they cost 8 thousand dollars in our money today for a single pineapple at some point in Europe. Sikuizi, ziko kila pahali. Ata mimi niko nayo kwa fridge kwangu :smiley: . These are almost meaningless in terms of value today

Diamonds must be the longest running Jewish con job after Madoff’s.

You have to give it up to Cecil Rhodes/De Beers for monopolizing the industry and making billions out of such a useless rock.

They are not even scarce and siku hizi they are even made in the lab.

grandpa Rick ii obsession yako with planets and moons is concerning :rolleyes:

Aliens ziko. @Tom Bayeye ni alien masquerading kama Kinyozi.

There’s nothing to explore on earth anymore

I thought that he seemed weird possessing a telescope and knowing alot about space.
He has been 56 years for 86 years.
Is he looking for his spaceship out there?


Kunyesha inatoboa roof

Nice one

The ocean. As of 2021 more than 80 % of the ocean remains unexplored.

clean water and oxygen are the most precious things

Because nothing says I love you, like a piece of rock clawed from the guts of collapsing mines by children