It is time for other tribes to rule Kenya - okuyos and kaleos have had their time

Its now time for luos, luhyas, kambas, mijikenda etc. Kaleos should stop hiding under the hasla upus to sneek back to power. They had their chance for 24yrs but took kenya to the dogs due to their rustler DNA.

Kenya now needs to see what the joluo DNA can do for Kenya, the same DNA that was ruling the US, the most powerful and advanced country in the world. Joluos could take Kenya into the first world unlike the kaleo rustlers troubling us okuyos kule laikipia.

Kweli Kenya was a rehab.
Tribes do not lead but individuals/families do.
Greeks are the poorest ppl in Kenya fyi

Ojinga. Where were you in 2007? 2013? 2017?

Whether kikuyu, Turkana, Luo kalenjin or Wariah, LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE

We are only going for a commercial break regardless of whoever rules for the next decade or whichever legacy he leaves. Nyumba ya Mumbi will surely come back to power in 2032

Yes, we are giving a chance to other tribes to ascend to power and make a bigger mess. Come 2032, we tell them “see, we were better by far”.

Jaluo si unasumbua sana. Why the panic? Mmeshindwa na campaign sasa unaanza kulia na game bado.

Power is not a piece of bread to be given out. Mwambie jaluo mwenzako Raila atafute kura kwa bidii and stop portraying cowardice. Anaeza fanikiwa. Kama mnajiamini si mtulie tu basi na mngoje election.

These guys have a habit of intimidating people by shouting

Another jaluo not Raila.

The negative and pointless negative ethnicity on display here is symptomatic of what ails this Nation …

Bure Kabisa , all of you …

“Yangu kumi, Ruto kumi” thats all we heard, thats all we know, everything else is moot

Unugu sio kipawa bro

And u believed an okuyu making a promise. Sitashangaa hata raila akirukwa na uhuru before the elections. Yote tisa saperes in rv are shitting bricks at the chance of ruto not making it.

nyinyi wakalee ni wezi wa mali ya uma for 24 yrs

Uwesmakende mbukusu bladifakin leo ni Sunday sitaki makasiriko

Well didn’t they both get their kumi?

Hata Betty Kyalo siku moja alisema “till death do us part”. All promises made in marriages, including political marriages, are null and void.