The rate of terrorists attacks globally has increased recently, terrorists are getting bolder by the day from Syria …Indonesia … turkey …Europe …somalia …Burkina Faso and Pakistan it is now a global problem by definition this is the 3rd world war… during wwll allied forces were fighting the Nazi and her allies now the world is fighting againist the Islamic extremists …Things are only going to get worse especially for Europe but let hope things will change.
Islamic extremists are indulging themselves in buffoonery more than ever. Instead of creating unity amongst Shi’ite and Shia divisions, they seek to destroy the peace of the world. What deity is pleased with such diabolical acts?
nobody has monopoly over running the world.
we must take in consideration everybody grievances before invading their country then labelling the terrorists.
i admire people who fight for their rights and beleifs
wahhabism is what is driving shia and sunni apart
terrorism is a business.
Yes, no one has a monopoly as you say. May the best man win! When people say “the West” they really mean America. Do you have any idea the militaristic capability that America possesses? Surely, who can make war with the Beast? Europe used to be a shining star pre World War II. Without Jews to build a country, that country will come to ruin in no time. Now watch Europe opening their borders to Muslims yet the same folks were too eager to harass Jews. Nazi Germany had no time for Jews yet they now show the greatest enthusiasm in accepting Arab Muslims more than any other country in the world! They are kindred spirits working for single agent. Europe as we speak, is done for and by jolly may their end come quickly! Now, America is a great nation, greater than any nation in the history of mankind. Why? If you go to their top universities like MIT, Harvard etc it’s the Jews who are making all the great discoveries and winning Nobel prizes in Physics, Medicine, Economics. No other ethnic group has more billionaires. Don’t you see these are blessed people?! One very tiny country yet disproportionately imbued with wealth and knowledge. Why would anyone call for Israeli annihilation unless they have a death wish on their backs?
when people say “west” they mean america europe and all the closest alliances europe and america are more alike than you think even america is also accepting refugees just like germany and europe …the jews you are reffering are not the real jews they are politicised secular judaism called “zionists” .israel is a zionist country after its stole all their land from palestine and declared a “jewish state” which is israel but in real sense its the land of palestine
America is like the bride, Europeans are flower girls. Actually now we’re starting to see a revival from secular Judaism. The Jews are less and less self identifying as secular. They’re embracing ultra orthodoxy, yeshivas for their children and desire to worship at the Kotel wall. Some are moving back to their homeland Israel. Palestinians, I call them Philistines, are the ones who are illegally occupying Jewish land. Jerusalem is not even mentioned once in the Koran. How could it have possibly be important to Islam?
You are giving the Jews too much credit Israel is actually powerful because USA is on of their greatest ally do you know that out of all the countries US gives aid to Israel always gets the largest percentage. They always play the victim card because of the holocaust but in reality Jews are racists bigots who will use any means possible to achieve their goals and the reason why Muslims hate them so much is because of the Palestine occupation.
there was no israel before 1948 …the land the jewish settlers live in now was palestine the occupation has resulted in a bloody ethnic cleansing against the palestinians …israel is not their homeland but the land they were given to by UK illegaly
Israel is a puppet of the US. It would collapse like a column of dominoes if US stopped support. It was actually set up by Britain and US because they didnt wanna take in all the Jews from Germany and Poland, and rest of Europe.
Despite the fact that the country was set up by British, the rows surrounding the land are ancient. Those jews in europe had actuallly been expelled by arabs and arab muslim jihadis long time ago.
They don’t get enough credit. Albert Einstein’s (Jew) discovery of relativity or Rosalind Franklin’s (Jew) discovery of DNA alone have proceeded to spur countless advances to humankind. Israel is surrounded by marauding Arab nations who are hell bent on their destruction. The threat is very real so of course they need every help they can get. We also cry for help to fight alshabab. Look at us in Kenya with just one particularly bothersome neighbor in the North East yet our lives have undergone dramatic change. Every time we go to the mall you have to open the car’s boot and also be searched at the building entrance. Now imagine if Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan were all like Somalia. Even worse for Israel because their neighbors read “holy” texts that encourage them to kill Jews. Mohammed personally beheaded 800 Jewish males in khaybar. Unless the Koran, Sunna, Hadith were written after 1948… Islamic Jewish hatred is as old as the faith, roughly 1400 years.
It was their land since the time of their forefathers. Jesus, who you call Issa was born a Jew. He was born in Bethlehem, lived and preached amongst his people, also Jews, in Jerusalem and Judea. Hence it is their land, always was. It’s very unfair that Jews are not allowed at the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem! Despite the setbacks, the Lord gathered them from all over the world and brought them back on eagles wings just as He promised. The creation of the state of Israel is perhaps the most blazing yet glorious red signal that the we are at the end.
lol there is no threat to israel …israel is more of a threat to the arab nations than they are to israel …israel is a terrorist state ranging from gruesome human rights violations against palestinians to defying UN regulations possession of unregulated nuclear weaponry …israel arms and fund major terrorist movement including isis …israel even offer medical treatment to al nusra fronts i can go on all day …the botton line is israel is a zionist country .when you understand the difference between zionism and jews you will get know the problem
One big issue I always ponder about every time I see how much Arabia has degenerated into chaos and wonder, is: Arabia is actually the original home of medicine, agriculture, and so much more. Talk of the Ottoman empire and the rest. Arabia was actually a powerhouse. What we have now is just degenerates whose sole purpose of existence is to fight each other along religious and clan lines. We can always depend on the rift amongst kurds and other ethnic minorities and majorities, sunni - shiia, houthi nini nini. Yani there are factions going at each other from different points of ideologies and cultures… religion, ethnicity, political, cultural… this mess is so complex, you even don’t want to understand because you really wont even if you wanted to.
But for chrissakes, Arabia was one amongst the foremost home of medicine and agriculture, the most important industries for development. What happened? I doubt the so-called the “west” has anything to do with it. It probably joined in making the situation even more complex.
“It was their land since the time of their forefathers. Jesus,” says the book the jews wrote lol …lets put the bible aside and and look at the real human history you will find out the palestine came before israel …infact the jews are against jesus they hate him as a matter of fact according to the Talmud jesus is boiling in hell
The golden age of Islam is a myth that has been debunked time and again, yet some special interest groups are always trying to rewrite history. The Arabia of today was once majority Christian and Jewish. They are the ones who developed what is wrongly attributed to Islam. Enter Mohammed, who is trying to proselytize his new found religion (which by the way was plagiarized and bastardized from Judaism and Christianity), and in the process leads the destruction of a once beautiful civilization. Then you hear a whole President, Obama, say that our civilization today owes a debt to Islam!
Surely where do you want the Jews to go? When in Israel, they are told to go back to Europe. With increasing radicalism and Muslim immigrant waves in Europe, their survival is at risk.
Jews have no future in France
Following the jihadist attack on a kippa [Jewish skull-cap] wearing Jewish teacher in Marseille, the president of the city’s Jewish community, Zvi Ammar, advised French Jews to leave their kippas at home. In my view, it is time for the Israeli Foreign Office to assist French Jews in leaving France before it is too late.
Following his recommendation for Jews to take off their kippas, “until better days,” Mr. Ammar was fiercely criticized. As reported in the European Jewish Press. France’s Chief Rabbi, Haim Korsia, said that Jews should continue wearing their kippas in public in order to form a “united front.” “We will not cede!” he stated. “We will continue to wear the kippa.”
Similarly, Joel Mergui, president of France’s Consistory, an umbrella organization that administers to Jewish congregations, stated, “Don’t touch my kippa! He [Ammar] knows as well as I do that wearing a kippa or not won’t resolve the issue of terrorism.” And finally, Roger Cukierman, president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF), agreed with Mergui, stating, “It translates to a defeatist attitude, to giving up.”
Regrettably, I must concur with Mr. Ammar. Marseille Jews should indeed keep their kippas tucked away and out of sight, since preserving life takes precedence over the Torah, and the French Jewry is in grave danger. The publications in the media do not even begin to describe what is really happening. French Jews, and the whole of the European Jewry, have been experiencing various levels of hostilities on a daily basis for a long time now. Many of them have already taken off their kippas, tucked in their Star of David necklaces, removed the mezuzahs [cased excerpts from the Torah (Old Testament)] from their doorposts, and even avoid visiting places associated with Jews. Worse yet, according to the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency(FRA), a staggering 77% [of Jews] do not even bother reporting abuse or harassment.
The situation in Europe has been escalating for years, but now it is becoming crystal clear: in view of the wave of radical Islamic terrorism and the recent waves of Muslim immigration to Europe, the Jews have no future there. In a 2013 televised conversation I had with the late, Prof. Robert S. Wistrich, who was then head of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, he said that in the current state of affairs, European Jewry has 10-20 years left.
The Israeli Foreign Office is urging European governments to increase protection of Jewish communities, but it is too little too late. Currently, Europe’s Jews have two options if they want to stay safe: Convert to Islam or run for their lives.
Before history repeats itself, France’s Jews must leave their country. As one who experienced the hardships of making Aliyah [immigration to Israel] myself, I can sympathize with their agony. It is not easy to leave behind the country you grew up in, loved, and considered your home. This is especially true of France, whose legacy of equality, justice, and separation between state and religion paved the way for the rest of the world. But I see no other option.
The Israeli Foreign Office must send out delegations that will ease the French Jewry’s absorption process in Israel. It should set up Hebrew schools and help France’s Jews find suitable employment in the Israeli job market.
And finally, to those Jewish elements in Europe trying to persuade Jews to stay in France and boast about their Judaism: remember what happened 70 years ago. Then, too, leaders of the Jewish communities urged their people to stay, and stated that no harm would come to them in Europe. But the result of their denial is written in blood in the history of our people. The only difference between then and now is that now we have a Jewish state.
going by your arguments,the maasai have every right to kick out everyone out of nairobi to nakuru?nikama kusema all whites to be kicked out of us and australia since that land had it’s original owners